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The long road back

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Part 4

I had therapy 2 times each morning and 2 times each afternoon, a total of 4 hours, 6 days per week. I vuguely remember being asked to stack some brightly colored small plastic cones one on top of another and to get them off a shelf and then to put them back so I must have been standing and since I still had no use of my right arm, I must have been using my left. I remember being on the exercise mat, they were royal blue, But just what I did on them, I haven't a clue. After I started talking, I w



Part 3

I remained in ER while tests were done, a Ct scan followed by an MRI and the results evaluated. My condition continued to wrosen. Mike was told I probably would not survive and that because of the location of the bleed any surgery would do "more harm than good". So, I was transferred to ICU where the bleed continued for another day and a half and then stopped all by itself. And I still lived. On the 4th day Mike was told the bleeding had stopped sometime the day before, no new bleeding had sinc



Part 2

I had a cold which had turned into bronchitis as it usually did since I smoked and my intended doctors visit delayed by improvement of the cold even though the cough lingered on. I had never been one to go to the doctor for just any little thing. I don't dislike going, I just seldom NEEDED to go. I have always enjoyed very good health. In fact my doctor once commented " You could let me see your pretty face in here at least once a year so I will know your still alive". Had I gone to the Docto



Part I

Today, if it's past lunch time, I can't remember what I had for breakfast or if I had breakfast. But I can remember.... I took early retirement in June from my work as a 911 Dispatcher after having the required 20 years because I decided there was just too much stress. It was a fast paced job that involved sending not only city police, fire and ambulance units but also county volunteer fire departments and other city departments after hours. I could type 80+wpm while talking 90mph and keepi

