veggie.vampire's Blog

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just my recovery

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Had a good morning at physio, saw a different one as mine on holiday and she said in the 2 months since she's seen me last there's a huge difference. As usual felt exhausted after but it is a good kind of tired, feeling you've achieved something. I was accepted by a rehab clinic, they'll access my needs and hopefully give me intensive physio. Just help with my feet (muscles allowed to shrink so heels raised but coming down now I stand) with casting would be good. Then the day was spoilt by havi



Bank Holidays Are So Sleepy

About time I posted. It's been an exciting week. At physio I lifted my heel while standing, seems walking is quite close now. The infected ingrown big toe nails I've had pretty well since the stroke and were so sore are finally improving dramatically. A national magazine may print my story. I'd like to think that knowing how close a shave I had (at one point life support went off thinking I'd die, and the family expecting a funeral instead saw me breathing, THAT close) might be encouraged that t




Went to our local town today. Realised quite how much I've changed when we bumped into a man I went to rehab with. Last time he saw me I was about to have CPR (stopped breathing altogether so a nurse stepped in with CPR, thanks Glyn, I owe you my life!) and he kept saying I look like a different woman now! Made me fondly think of all those people I've met through my stroke and wonder what their outcome was; my earliest days were in special care so many will not have survived that. My goodness I



Aint Life Grand?

Had a good physio session yesterday. Around halfway through she said "you realise where we are heading?" then explained. First its standing and get my balance which she said I pretty well have. Next I raise a foot and move it, then take a few steps. Physio's aim is I stand with one helper to transfer, no rotator, and walk around with help. Sounds quite near as in by xmas. Exciting stuff, nobody voiced this to me till now. To think re hab wrote me off as static (ie not improving ever) way back n



Birthday Boy

My youngest son is 12 today, doesn't seem possible. We had a quiet family day, my sister visiting with her 2 children. What's more for the first time I had a very messy slice of cake for the first time and didn't cough once! Another achievement. Best of all my rotator (which mum insists on calling a rotivator, a gardening implement, conjures up great images, I can't look at it without giggling yet!) arrived just before the carers last visit. Yes it is very hard work, and afterwards I'm puffing



another good physio session

This morning my husband drove me to physio again. Went well, we did some exercises sitting to mimic walking. Exciting as not done before. Transfer was using the rotator. Went so well I pretty near did it alone. Really great news is physio wants us to acquire a rotator now. When that comes yay no hoist, except maybe night time if I wake. Physio also thinks it will get me in any car. Bet local council wouldn't have paid for a tracking hoist knowing how long I'd need it! Rehab told them I was stati



urge to tidy up!

At the moment I'm in the mood to do things. I trundled round the kitchen yesterday in my wheelchair, clearing the kid's dirty things. May be annoying to other people but I find it most satisfying and have only dropped 1 dish since December off my lap. Went into town yesterday and got a case so when I got home I organised my cosmetics. Plucking using my left hand it occurred to me that though it is dextrous (I can move individual hairs if I ever need to) it does feel awkward for certain things. N



In the Words of Haircut 100, Fantastic Day

For our foreign friends, haircut 100 were an 80s pop band and fantastic day a very upbeat number. Thanks for the comments last time. My husband drove me to physio today. Right now I'm hoisted into the passenger seat of the car by a hoist we had fitted so I can't drive but didn't drive that often before the stroke anyway. Session worked on bad arm again then standing. Standing with just 1 helper was fine, usually I have 2. In a few weeks my method of transfer will be the rotator not hoisting. W




About time I made an entry but as usual little happened. The usual minor improvements, slightly better balance etc but so slow progress. I knew 18 months ago when I had the stroke I must be patient but there's a limit! Every day seems so dull, I long to be able to get out of this damned wheelchair but can't even stand myself up yet. In the old days I could do so much yet now life is neccessarily limited so some days I get so bored. Keep asking about setting up a box of crafts, I'll ask yet again



Typical day in my life

Decided to describe all I did yesterday to show anyone interested what life in a wheelchair is like and how worthwhile. I believe life would be worthwhile whatever I could do, after all I still have my family. 2 carers helped me shower and dress then hoisted me in my wheelchair. Time was about 820, I waited watching tv in bed, and did my exercises. Breakfast of toast followed at the table. By 9 I was doing my exercises for the second time. One handed determined to unscrew eye drops and apply.



Three cheers!

At risk of upsetting someone I know it's been said before but how come those with least cause moan and it's up to those WITH cause to consol them. Sorry had a bad afternoon and seen another of those posts. They have it hard sure but have they any idea how some must live? For example my bad day was caused by being toiletted early then expected to hold on 4 hours. There is no possibility of going without carers so I must somehow wait. Now THAT is undignified. However have picked myself up as it is



Private Physio Day

Those of you who know we have an nhs system may wonder why the private physio. Short answer, nhs were rubbish at rehab. Of course thats just my opinion. So much so my sister in law kindly raised enough to get me on my feet again. Made quite some Christmas present and made the local newspaper. In sweltering weather had a good session. With help transferred to bed by board, shifted myself up the bed, lay down and adjusted my own position alone! Found my bad arm will move well, all muscles work. Ba



sunny monday

Seeing the wheelchair people today. They may give me a free indoor outdoor electric wheelchair, freedom. Though my husband thought I couldn't, I can do the back door so I can get to shops etc. Poor people on the pavement if I get it. If they say no must pay for one somehow, would be good to have one. Lovely day again, I might take a book outside after carers come - life has to reolve around their 3 daily visits for toileting but its great I can make do between them. Arrggh my eyes are so itchy



What a beautiful day again

Georgeous out there again, hot and sunny, England isn't always rain contrary to popular opinion! Had a lovely day out yesterday. Boys were a little high spirited but that's just children. Meal, despite being my sister's recipe which trust me is ominous, was lovely! Ask me about her culinary skills when you need a laugh, not that my own are any better! Warm, mid 20s, blue sky, Grand Prix on tv, does it get better than this? I suppose if not a fan it does, but I love F1. Great day yesterday, doe



Another day in this wheelchair

Oh how I wish I could walk or even stand enough to go further affield. After 6 months I'm so sick of the part of the house I can reach. Before the stroke I avoided housework, now I'm a nuisance doing all I can from my wheelchair. Keep hearing of people who walked so much sooner but remind myself all strokes are different before I get too depressed. Yuck, turned over tv coverage of the 1 mile run for thousands, upsetting seeing what I haven't yet. Tell myself off for self-pity, I'm lucky to be he



basic intro

My full story is in the gallery. I'm 40 now, married with 3 teenagers. I had colon cancer, while undergoing chemo had a massive brainstem stroke. Young for either. Initially I could only blink, couldn't talk but understood fine. At around 2 months things slowly started to return. My stroke was 13 Feb 2005 and 18 months in my left limbs, shoulder and head movement is normal. I speak like a baby, and only stand with help. Demon driver in my electric wheelchair! House adaptations were a nightmare (

