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Life is an adventure

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Life is an adventure

Life is an adventure, an adventure to be lived. I have used that line to bring me out of my doldrums many times, both pre and post stroke.   I had to use it today as I really didn't feel the energy to get to church. I thought about not going several times, until I remembered that my greatest adventure in life, is my relationship with my God. So I gathered up as much energy as I could muster, and made my way to church.   My good friends Phil and Kathleen are wonderful people, and they came



Sleeping on the couch

Last night I fell asleep on the couch. I find the couch comfortable enough to rest on for short periods of time, but not for extended periods. I am a little too long for my short couch, and that makes it hard to sleep on. My CPS was really flaring up last night, so I was surprised I fell asleep on the couch. I figure I got 6 hours in, my longest stretch of sleep in a long time. How I slept so long on such an uncomfortable piece of furniture is beyond me. I would try it more often if I knew I wo



My trip to the doc

I have to like my GP. He always finds the time to see me, even on short notice, like yesterday when I called early in the morning, and I got an appointment in the afternoon.   I am so lucky to have found him. I just pulled his name out of a list during an open enrollment period at work. I had moved and needed to switch doctors, and did I get lucky. I would call it divine providence.   I sometimes wonder if he thinks I am a hypocondriac, but he never shows it. I am a bit of a rare bird, an




I had one of those nights where I was up and down most of the night. I really hate it, because my body was tired, but my body wouldn't rest. Usually that means my mind is racing about things, but it really wasn't. So then I try to figure out whether it is my CPS keeping me awake, and that wasn't it either. So that starts my mind racing, and of course that does keep me up.   So at 4am, I decided to leave a message with my doctor about it. He has a message machine I can leave messages on as wel



What a difference a day makes!

Yesterday was a day where I just had to rest. I had so much wanted to take care of some important paperwork, but I could tell early on, it was not to be.   Spending two days out over the past weekend I think did me in. It was the first time out with friends in quite some time, and I had great fun, but retrospectively, maybe one day would have been better. I could tell on Monday that I was spiraling down, but I didn't know just how much. My CPS really started flaring up, and fatigue was extrem



Various ramblings from a ramblin' guy

I had such great intentions today, to get all sorts of things done, but not much got accomplished. It's funny, because I had a good nights sleep and awoke with a fair amount of energy. Ever since my stroke, I get on average 4 hours a night of sleep. I never really needed sleep that much. Six hours was what I used to get pre-stroke. Somedays I get a short nap in to get a little more rest. Then of course are the bad days, where I lay around on the couch and drift in and out all day long.   My m



Getting out and about

The last two days were my first days in over a month that I wandered out for anything other than doctor appointments. Yesterday, I visited with friends for a late Thanksgiving get together. There were about 20 people, and it was great to get out of the house and be with friends, even if just for a few hours. I even drove myself (have a left footed accelerator fitted in the car as my right side is affected), mainly due to the fact that if I became tired, I could leave. I would not have to bother



Woke up early again

It's 6:30am here, and I have been up since five. I so wanted a good nights sleep but only got 4 hours. I guess thats what I get for doing nothing yesterday. That's only part of it though, as my shoulder hurts from hanging over the bed. Of course this is on my affected side.   I have worked my shoulder and arm a bit since arising, but it is still sore. I will have to be very careful today as to how I am holding my arm as I get out and about. I don't want it popping out because I am being care



Just plain tired today

Just one of those days, I guess, where I didn't want to do a thing. No; it wasn't because I ate too much yesterday and needed a nutritional break. I just had a day where my brain was telling me to rest. Ever have one of those days?   I usually can get around in my place with my walker, but today, my balance was off, so I decided to rest in front of the TV and watch football. I must admit I dozed off several times.   The day kind of started early, when the garbage men came by about 5:30am.

