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The measure of a day's work

Things I did badly today: -Wasted about 30 sheets of copy paper (made wrong copies) -Left my coffee by the reception desk, someone knocked it over onto the desk, floor and the phone lists -Didn't write down the name of someone calling for the office administrator, she took the call anyway -Had to keep getting re-instructed on simple procedures and tasks   Things I did well: -Smiled at everyone and tried to be helpful -Made hundreds of pages of good c

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

Work is good

I worked today after a looooong holiday. I took two weeks off before school was officially out and then school was out for 3 weeks. So, I haven't worked since the first week of December.   It was great to go back. I find that even though I love having my alone time, and if it were totally left up to me, I might never leave the house again, being a part of something bigger makes me feel good. I have been working in the office of our school and find that it's so relaxing to have someone t

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

9 months since my stroke

Nine months ago today, I woke up at 4:00 a.m. having a stroke. Sometimes it seems like I have always been a stroke survivor and sometimes it seems like it just happened a couple of months ago. Thankfully, it no longer feels like it was just yesterday. That's a milestone!   I wonder sometimes if I will ever feel like the old me again. I wonder if I will always be haunted by this fatigue that can just wash over me in an instant, and usually when I'm not in a place where I can just collapse

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

On being an ipod widow and other thoughts

I love to sing. I am a good singer. I love it when a song I KNOW comes on in some random place and I can sing along to it. I LOVE singing on the Praise Team at church and love spontaneous sing alongs with others. BUT...   I don't enjoy listening to music alll the time like most people. Music tends to make me very meloncholy and sad when I'm just listening to it. And, I tend to feel very irritated when "noise" is going on in the background when I'm trying to do something else. Plus, si

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

Really random thoughts

I'm finding it a bit difficult to get back to blogging after being so busy. So much has happened since my last entry it is hard to organize my thoughts into something that resembles continuity, so this will probably be very random thoughts.   I'm back at 8,500 feet high, so my doctor thought it would be a good idea to have oxygen. The huge tank was delivered a few nights ago and it has made a great difference in how I feel. In the States I felt better and had more energy. Here I suffer ba

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

from one appointment to the next

YIKES! The wee hours of the morning seem to keep getting wee-er! But I so love the quiet and the peacefulness of this time.   Tonight (this morning?) I'm up because I had a shot in my hip yesterday for bursitis. YOUCH! That was surely painful. But it's MORE painful now. The doctor gave me a prescription for Lortab. Normally, one Lortab will have me dead to the world, but after two, I'm still in considerable pain and not sleeping. That is so strange for me. I have no idea why I'm not

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

morning musings

I love being up in the quiet hours of the early morning when no one else is awake. I turn on the Christmas tree lights and listen to the sounds of the quiet house...the clocks tickng, the shower dripping, an occasional cough or snore from one of the bedrooms. This is the time when no on is vying for the computer, the tv is not blaring, and no one needs me for anything.   I'm noticing a big difference in the change of medicine, since I started on the Cymbalta. I have much less brain burn a

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

Napping from office to office

Today was the day for doctor's visits! The craziness began by having a mammogram. Nothing like having your bazooms pressed flat early on a cold winter's morn! It'll wake you up faster than a Starbuck's caramel macciato.   Now that I was good and awake, it was on to the internist. She is such a sweetheart. Well, at least I THOUGHT I was awake! When I got back into an exam room, I curled up on the examining table and fell asleep. She and dh were calling my name to wake me up. She thinks

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

Best flight day ever

Delta has changed the types of airplanes they are using. We flew in one of their new 767's yesterday, which was heavenly. International flights are always better than national, but this plane had so much leg room, so much bottom room, nice leather-like chairs with easy to reach buttons, nice roomy aisles and even more room in the bathrooms!   We made it through immigration and customs very quickly and had enough time to grab a sandwich before our connecting flight! The best news of all was

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes

Now I'm on a roll~!

I'm packing, finally! I got up this morning, showered, went to get a manicure, came home and started packing. I have one half of one suitcase looking pretty tidy. It's such a shame the airlines now only give us only 50 pounds instead of 70. It's amazing how much difference 20 pounds makes. We have had to go to smaller suitcases in order to not overfill.   I'm an expert packer. I have been packing for international trips for almost 8 years now. I can fill a suitcase and know by picking

Blonde Eyes

Blonde Eyes