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my atty called me the other day and said they are going to file an appeal. so i am not sure on all the info why they want to do this, i am not sure i want to do this either, and have to go through this again. but, if it will get the wrong done, justified, then its worth it i guess. i am still in a fog, recouping from this past week, today is my baby boys birthday, so hopefully it will be a better day for me. he is getting married in less than 2 weeks, so i am looking forward to that and




i want to thank everyone here for all of your kind words and compassion during this terrible time. it meant alot to me knowing that are still kind people in this world. i feel somewhat better today and i know time will help my pain. god bless you all.



its over

i lost my case. the jury voted for the dr. i do not understand how people could turn away from the facts. my attys talked to a few jurors and they felf the dr did not do anything wrong. to each their own i suppose. there is always 2 sides. i hope they can live with their decisions. i was wronged and have lost all faith in the justice system. most of all, i pray this dr doesnt do the same to someone else. my attys spent so much time and money on this case, i feel terrible for them. i gu



my best friend

i am so depressed and my heart is breaking. i had to put my best friend down today, she was a beautiful 10 year old german shephard. she developed a spinal degenerative condition and couldnt use her back legs. i was selfish and kept her with me until she let me know she was ready to go. yesterday she started chewing on her paw and ripped her nail out and chewed it badly. i was told she has no feeling back there anymore. but i was not going to let her live like this anymore and she told me



to the jury

i was hoping this would have been over on friday(feb16) but the jury could not make a decision in the time allotted, so we have to go back on tuesday. i dont know if this is good or bad. but let me tell you the most unbeliveable thing i have learned. this is nationwide, not just for arizona. did you know that when you go to the er, the dr, once he has diagnosed you, does not have to discuss with you or your family what your treatment options are, he can make the decision on his own. this is




i must tell you all, that this ordeal has so many ups and downs, you just never know. today the defense had there expert on who was a local neuro that didnt impress anyone, even the jury, but you never know. tomorrow is closing arguments then to the jury. i sure pray justice prevails in this case, this dr. did not give me the right to make my own decisions in my health care. no neuro was called in for another opinion, he did not give me opinions on tpa, even though my husband requested it,



my doctor

well, the education continues. my dr was on the stand this week, testifying on my behalf because, of the stupid er dr. he really wants er drs not to be afraid of tpa, it is not that dangerous of a drug as long as they follow the protocols of giving it, i had a 60% chance of coming away without deficits from the stroke, he said i was a dream candidate for a dr wanting to give tpa. my dr is head of the stroke center at barrow institute in phoenix, he was only a phone call away that nite, but th



the experts

let me say how educating this lawsuit has been. just like what ya see on tv. we have had head of the stroke center from stanford, an er dr from harvard beth israel deaconess hosp. nero-radiologists which every hosp should have to read ct scans and mri.mra for a stroke patient, we have had rehab specialists, vocational rehab. i have seen my brain explained to me in sections, damage done as it progressed after the stroke. how much damage was done etc. i never got to see the xrays or scans and h



the er dr.

well now i will discuss the incompetent dr. as soon as i arrived at the hospital within minutes of the stroke, the er dr spent a total of 5 minutes examining me, he suspected a stroke immediately and sent me off for a ct scan. their was another dr on duty that night that came out to talk to my husband and inform him of what was going on, my husband told that dr to give me tpa, because he had received it the year before for his heart attack and it worked, they gave him literature to read about t



my lawsuit

well, my malpractice lawsuit started 2 wks ago. for those that dont know i am suing the hospital and er dr. that saw me the night of my stroke. the hospital is claiming the dr did not work for them, excuse me but when you go to a hospital, everyone thinks the treating dr is an employee of the hospital, unless you know they call in a specialist, well this idiot didnt work for the hospital. the er dr was an incompetant jerk and that is another story in itself so stay tuned. i didnt get to go to

