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Private and not so private thoughts

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Saturday morning 1/29/05

Nothing special to say, just wanted to make a post. Had goofy dreams last night...I was in a restaurant and everyone else had placed their order and the waitress finally came back and took my order which she spit in before delivering it to me. What does that say about my life?  



Whining again

Last night I just about threw a major hissy fit. Every Monday and Wednesday I descend into a deep depression because I know that on Tuesday and Thursday, I am forced to spend time with my neighbor lady...she drives me nuts She has no friends and has attached herself to me much like a parasite. I can't do anything without her attaching herself to me and I am force to bring her along. I try to explain to my hubby how my 'having' to relate to Helen has affected me and words excape me... h



continued listing of thoughts

4) I have serious questions as to my worth and purpose. a) Stroke related deficiencies b) Age... mid life crisis... c) what is my identity anymore?



Initial thoughts

I have so many issues going on in my life I'm confused and discouraged.   1)I need to lose weight a)tired of fat ass clothes...ugly fashions,blubber bulging out over pants, can't wear nice clothes purchased when thin. b)difficulty putting on shoes and tying them...get out of breath, c)I look like a cow d) want my hubby to be happy to be seen with me in public e)Fat people are looked down on by most of public as inferior and/or stupid   2)What to do during

