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Different strokes for different folks

I thought of this statement last night in chat, and someone liked it, so there it is. It is so true that there are so many stories and strokes we hear about on this board and all around us.   We had some excitement in our neighborhood as the next door neighbor, who teaches German, won the Jeopardy teacher's tournament. He won a smacking $100,000. The NBC affiliate, channel 5 was in their driveway taping the show and the good news. Good for him!!   Our granddaughter, Rachel, had her 5th b



Nice weekend but ending some scary stuff

My daughter came in town last weekend as she had President's Day off. Last week I had a carpenter here who tore out a wet bar we never used and installed a cabinet and shelves. He also did some other repairs. My daughter likes to paint but I don't think she knew how much was involved in this project. I helped where I was told I could, being the most helpless at painting, and we got through it.   Larry had even agreed readily to go out to eat. This is something he usually fights, but not w



Things I miss and things I have

I miss the Larry I use to know I miss my freedom to come and go I miss some friends who seemed to have gone away But I'm so glad I have Larry here on Valentine's Day   Happy Valentine's Day to all   ((hugs and XXXX))   Julie



2nd Stroke Anniversary for Larry tomorrow

We went to another Stroke/caregiver Support Meeting today. As there were new people, the host asked the survivors to say what was new. When she got to Larry, he didn't have much to say at first. The 2nd person, age 54, had an anuerism and stroke in 2008. She had a lot to say - divorced, lost her job, insurance, and was now applying for disability. She didn't seem to have many visible deficits but had trouble holding a job due to eyesight, etc. Another lady was still a patient there, and w



I have a project for Larry

We have been dealing with frigid temps off and on. The frigid temps usually occur when we have to get a blood draw, go to exercise or church. The warmer temps are on days when we can do nothing or don't have plans for anything.   Larry had his blood work done again to determine if there was something causing his lack of appetite and weight loss. Everything came back normal except his glucose was a little over. The Dr. said to cut back on second helpings pasta, rice, and nothing after 7 p.m



Enjoying the warm weather yet today

We have been lucky with the weather this year too. Last week we had a record high in the 60's and one day it was 70! The weather guys say the temp will drop to 29 for a high tomorrow. I hope we don't get much snow. Too hard to navigate, and we have road construction off our subdivision to deal with too.   We have been doing the usual stuff. Today we both had eye exams and we both got through with flying colors. Larry had not had an eye exam since 11/09. I want to get him to an audiologi



Wierd, warm winter is gone.

The weather has been warm up until today and we will probably see snow soon. Last year at this time we had tornados with the warmth ,but we lucked out this year.   I am ready for a new year. This year has had its down moments with my unexpected skin cancer. I am just now starting to breath better from my nose after 6 months. Larry had his share of difficult testing but we got through that too.   New Years Eve was quiet compared to the Christmas holidays. Larry and I went out to eat



Christmas for Larry and Julie

Larry's friend came for a visit starting last Thursday. He is one of Larry's friends and co-workers who show up on a regular basis. He lives further away now, but still works part time and comes when he visits his daughter and family. We both enjoy seeing him.   Friday my daughter came in from Michigan. She is a big help to me and I miss seeing her more. It is so hard to talk via phone or E-Mails as she is always on the go or busy with her boyfriend. My son came over Christmas Eve and th



Trying to get in the Christmas mood

I have most of my gifts bought as they are gift certificates, except for a couple of adults and clothes and toys for the grandkids. What do I get Larry? He wants for nothing and yet I want him to enjoy opening a gift. I wish he were more excited about Christmas. Maybe he is but just can't show it. He cannot express emotions (crying, laughing) but will say whether something makes him happy or not. It is an oddity I have to accept. I wish I could here him laugh at something silly again.



Thanksgiving, Christmas and year end

It seems as if this year has sped by, and that is what happens as you age I guess. For Thanksgiving the kids are helping more now and bringing food. I fixed the turkey, dressing and cranberries and they brought the rest and helped clean up. This all helps because you still have to get the table stuff ready and food from the store, etc. Larry wanted mincemeat pie and so I bought a mini one from a bakery. As with a lot of food, he ate a few bites and now it sits uneaten. Oh well, at least I w



Sleep test results + had a scare this a.m.

The Nuero's office finally called regarding Larry's sleep study and confirmed he has severe sleep apnea and will need to wear the CPAP mask. I guess we will be notified by the company next that makes these masks and they will come to fit Larry with one. Anyone have any experience with these? I hope Larry can manage this with getting up to use the urinal at night. I suppose I will need to help him.   While Larry was eating his cereal this morning he started coughing. He coughed and wheezed



Larry's sleep test

Well Larry finally completed his sleep study Tuesday night. (I hope). This was the second go around as they did not get enough data the first time. This time they gave him Ambien and tried a couple of CPAP masks on him while he slept. The tech this time around had been doing sleep studies since 1987. I knew she was in control and to stay out of her way while she prepared Larry for his sleep. The room was warmer and much nicer this time. I had a hospital bed and stayed in the room with Larr



Running Larry around but having some "me time"

Larry finally finished his colonoscopy last week. He had a small polyp removed which was benign. No more for 5 yrs. Yippee!   My kids have been telling me to get out more myself. I tried leaving Larry alone Sunday while I went to a volunteer party. I volunteerd for a thrift shop which supports developmentally disabled young adults. This was the best volunteer experience I had with great people to work with. I really miss the group and the interaction with others. I may try now to wor



Trying to blog again - hope this doesn't disappear!

This is my 3rd try to blog since last week. I tried twice and today tried again and it disappeared.   Last week Larry was discharged from his OT. He gets therapy when the Dr. orders it after Botox but not each time. We take what we can get. She mostly did measurements and noted not much change in his arm/hand movement. There was a little more in the wrist and a little in arm but a lot of spatiscity, which he needs to work on. She brought in a thing called a foot funnel for Larry to he



Larry's sleep study

Well I just put Larry's favorite dinner in the oven, which is meatloaf. It's one thing he will eat! The weather has turned cool but we still have a warm up coming. I'd rather have the sun and warmth than winter. So hard to get around in the cold weather season.   Well on Friday Larry had to be at Mercy Hospital at 7:30 p.m. for his sleep study. He had a fairly busy day and did more walking than usual. He was told not to nap and so he was tired by the time he arrived. The tech welcomed us



Larry's therapy and doctor appointments

It seems these last couple of weeks have kept us busy running to appointments. We went to see the vascular surgeon for Larry's 6 month carotid dopplar test. The right artery actually showed improvement this time. The left is completely blocked so we don't worry about it. The doctor also wanted Larry to have an X-Ray on his legs since he had the blood clot last year. We went back yesterday for that and so far we haven't heard from the doctor, but the tech said she thought it looked good. On



911 9/11 Limited Budweiser Commercial You-Tube

My favorite commercial of all time. It still brings tears.   I remember volunteering for the Red Cross blood drive a few days later. Hundreds of people came in with sad/shocked expressions. People came to give blood who weren't suppose be able to do so. Everyone just wanted to do something.   We all need to pray for the lost and their loved ones.   Julie



Some positive feedback for a change

Larry went to his OT Evaluation today. The therapists took him to task at how much he could lift his arm, move his arm, squeeze his hand or open it, etc. It hurt but he kept trying and he was exhausted at the end of the session. She obviously saw some changes, especially in his arm movement and wrist movement. She said she was glad the doctor wrote the therapy for him and happy we came. Yippee! Usually we only hear "well there is not much change", or "you need to keep doing your home exerc



Doctors, tests, therapy and more

We had a nice weekend weather wise with cooler temps. I guess we were luckier than most, although it's dry as a bone and no rain coming. Last Friday Larry went for more Botox in his shoulder, arm and hand. He said it didn't hurt as much this time. Maybe he is getting use to it. The doctor wrote a script for OT & PT therapy but Larry has to be evaluated first. It is only for 4 weeks but we will take what we can. It is hard to schedule the therapists we want but I succeeded. I hope they d



Where have all the flowers gone?

It's been so dry here. When we do get rain, it is just a few sprinkles. My lawn is half green and half brown. I use to have my geraniums bloom until October and now they are all but done for.   It was a nice weekend but not too exciting as usual. My son came over and did a couple of chores for us while I ran errands. We go to church on Sat. evenings as it is a traditional service and also more casual. Sunday Larry's daughter and our granddaughter came over and we all went to lunch. La



Almost disabled myself yesterday

I had our helper, Jim, over yesterday while I ran errands. I asked him to help me program the emergency device I had bought. I am not technically savy. Jim had most of it set up by the time I finished running - getting a prescription, returning something at post office and getting a hair cut. Where does the time go! After Jim left I was getting the mail and took a mistep coming back. I wrenched my back as I twisted and fell on the lawn. :yikes: I was in pain! I thought I was going to be



Larry's colonoscopy (canceled)!

I thought I was so prepared for this test. I bought the Miralax and the Docolax pills and the 64 oz. of apple juice to mix with the Miralax. Larry was a real trooper through all of this and did not mind drinking all of the apple juice/Miralax mix. From 5:30 until 11:30 we were running to the bathroom every 15-20 min. It stopped at 11:30 and we thought we had it made. WRONG! He started again at 2 a.m. and I decided to call the Dr. as I was afraid he wasn't going to be ready for his test at



Dark cloud has finally lifted

Things are going better this week. Larry and I went out to eat for my birthday and he let me choose the restaurant. Well, since I love Italian and had a coupon for a free dessert, we went to Macaroni Grill. I couldn't eat the chocolate cake after so took it home and made it last two days. lol Larry wouldn't eat any. Too bad - more for me. I got a floral delivery from the kids, and mostly gift certificates, as Larry and I have been going out to eat. The insurance company of person who side



Just one more thing to deal with!

A couple of weeks ago as most of you know, I had my skin cancer surgery. I am in the healing stages, although, my nostril is swollen and I can't breathe 100%. I'm told this is normal and will take a couple of months. I have been getting out finally and went out to eat with Larry Friday. We got there in time for the early bird special. Larry finally attempted to eat his pecan pie he took home that night. I had to help him finish it. Saturday, I decided I needed to get my book I had on re



Had surgery - red, white & blue for the 4th!

Hello all. I finally had my skin cancer surgery on my nose and it was successful, but not much fun. Before I left, Larry gave me a hug and said "I have been praying all week for you". The biopsies (5) were done Wednesday with the skin cancer doc. I was there for about 6 hrs. Thursday I went to the plastic surgeon for reconstructive surgery. Everything went well, according to the doctors, but I am red, white, and getting bluer around the eyes. :yikes: I took a pain pill when I got home

