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Motherhood & daily survivor life of a Mommy

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My fears

Hello all, watching the 9-11 tribute for the 5 yr. anniversary has had me in tears for those ppl who lost loved ones, and it has also stirred up raw emotion in me. I have fears. I fear the death of my daughter and husband. I honestly don't know if I could do it by myself, I get so much strength from them. Then I play a video in my mind of being a widow who is "disabled" and how well I could survive on my little Disability check.   Okay, I know I would put one foot in front of the other j



On the way to school confessions

Earlier this week when I was driving my daughter to school she told me that last year in kindergarten she had to stand by the wall for throwing rocks at recess.   I didn't know what to say. I guess the statue of limitations had expired from kindergarten days. I told her I hope to never hear of that again, b/c she knows what are good choices and what are bad choices.   She has also been chosen to be the classroom's girl Ambassador!!! I am so proud, lol. First grade is going well,



Windows Open

It feels so good today, I opened the windows in the house and turned our AC off. I hate to let in the allergens, but the fresh cool air is worth it. It is only 72, but it feels cool compared to 98 degrees.   Tomorrow will be my last day of Physical Therapy for my neck. I graduate once again! I am sure I will leave with a printout of homework to do for a while though. ~Amy



My weekend

This weekend has been fantastic. My parents took my daughter and I out for the weekend to a near tourist attraction, and to clothes shop for her past birthday. WE spent some good quality time. They had two guest passes to an amusement park and they offered to rent me a wheelchair. I never have, but I usually walk holding onto my hubby's arm. I did it by myself this time :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:. Walking with my parents, the pace was a little slower, and I could keep up well with that. I



The weight is over

Yes, The weight is over, I am too tired to carry around the extra pounds I have put on since 2000. My goal is to lose 50 pounds and then see where to go from there. I know I can do this. If I start hard now, I can be at my goal weight by my 31st birthday. What a nice present that would be to myself! One day at a time.   I am back into Physical Therapy now, for my neck. I have hurt it somehow and it is weird going to PT for something other than my stroke. It is an Orthapaedic Physical




Hey Guys, I am a worrier ( I try not to be). My problem that has me worried is my neck. I have had a very painfully sore neck for over a week. I broke down and went to the doctor today b/c the pain is shooting down my right shoulder. My doctor has an x-ray lined up at the hospital for me tomorrow, and a session of Physical Therapy.   I may have strained my neck last week when I was caught up in a borrowed book, but the worrier in me lets my mind wander to scary reasons.   It may b



My upcoming 8th WEdding anniversary!!

Tuesday is our 8th wedding anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it, it feels just like yesterday we were celebrating our first year. The 8 years have been wonderful (minus my heart surgery, stroke, and rehab) I have been an expensive wife.   To celebrate we are going to a locally owned restaurant, and my inlaws are keeping our daughter and she is staying the night with them I'm looking forward to our time together.... Last year we almost forgot our anniversary,this yr



Amazing things you can do with 1 hand

It is amazing what you can do with one hand, and a good set of teeth. Today while preparing for my hubbies 30th birthday party, I tied a ballooon with yep, 1 hand and I used my teeth to pull it tight. 2 fully functioning arms is a luxury, but one hand will do. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: ~Amy




This blog is about my sister.   My sister had a continuing Ed class in the city 30 miles from my house, so instead of getting a Hotel, she asked to stay with me. I didn't mind, but we were absent for the first 3 days she was at our house ( we went on a 'lil vacation) Anyway, My sister didn't want to stay at my house all alone, so she asked if she could care for our dog while we were gone instead of us boarding her.   Of course, that saved us a hassle and $33.00 +tax.   While WE w



Smoke free state

This blog is not intended to bash smokers, but our state just recently went to smoke free in public areas like restaurants, bars, and so on. I have been out a few times since, and I must say it is very nice being a non-smoker and eating at a restaurant and leaving smelling like a non-smoker also.   Not much to blog. WE leave on vacation in the a.m. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I hope I can keep up with my family at the amusement park, if not I'll rent a scooter:) But I really want to giv




Since my stroke I have not tried swimming b/c I was too terrified I couldn't do it. WEll I tried it and still could.(My hubby said I swam better than I walked) .   I don't know for how long I would be able to do it, but range of motion with my affected arm could move freely (easier in the water than on land.) ~Amy




Since my stroke I have not tried swimming b/c I was too terrified I couldn't do it. WEll I tried it and still could.(My hubby said I swam better than I walked)0 .   I don't know for how long I would be able to do it, but range of motion with my affected arm could move freely (easier in the water than on land.) ~Amy



Vacation scheduled!!!

Hey Guys, I am on an anticipation rush now, b/c I made reservations for our family vacation. WE are going to Branson,MO to Silver Dollar City. I have not been since I was 3, and we haven't gone as a family, so I think it will be a lot of fun!! I picked a plain Jane motel. I tried to go economy as much as possible, not counting gas or spending while we are there is not going to be that bad. Hubby trusted me to do all our planning. It was fun. 2 more weeks then MO here we come!! :cheer



Off schedule

Since, school has gotten out I have done a terrible job at a very important job:remembering to take my coumadin.   So I have a summer schedule for daughter and I to enjoy that has rest time and park time. I also set a timer on my cell phone to go off at a certain time, so I wouldn't forget to take my meds. I feel horrible, I skipped one day last week and really need to get my INR/PT level back up. My doctor is keeping a close eye on me until it gets back up to theraputic(sp?) range.  



Off schedule

Since, school has gotten out I have done a terrible job at a very important job:remembering to take my coumadin.   So I have a summer schedule for daughter and I to enjoy that has rest time and park time. I also set a timer on my cell phone to go off at a certain time, so I wouldn't forget to take my meds. I feel horrible, I skipped one day last week and really need to get my INR/PT level back up. My doctor is keeping a close eye on me until it gets back up to theraputic(sp?) range.  



Looking 4 snakes.

Can you believe that I went with hubby and daughter, to walk beside a walking path in town and "look for snakes in the process" ?? Of course we see some swimming their pretty "S's" in the water. Big Black Snakes!!   We are a safe distance from the snakes as they swim in the creek that runs beside the walking path.   I must have been fatigued b/c right when we were about to our car my ankle gave out and I almost busted my bum in the parking lot. I am hoping the effects of my ankle t



Gardener drop-out

I think I may drop out of this whole growing veggies thing. :blush:   It was fun to plan and begin. My pepper plant died (I over trimmed it) My Tomato plants are not full grown, and are turning red. The little stake in the plant I bought said they were full size Tomato's. It may be due to not quite a 5 gallon container I have them in. I had such "high-Spring Hopes." Reality sinks in and it is way easier and cost effective to just go to a farmers market.   I am sure next Spring I



My party was a success!

My Passion Party was last night and a success. I had 3 ppl book a party off of mine :Clap-Hands: PPL showed up, and I got some free merchandise.   I am ready to take my hostess hat off for a while. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. ~Amy



1st bar experience post stroke

My friend, got a wild 30 y.o. hair, to go to a local bar to hear her friend's band play, so she invited me to go. It has been yrs since I have gone out with a friend. It was very nice time except for this bad habit I have of playing with my wedding ring set when nervous/bored. I ended up losing my wedding band, and my friend was down on her hands and knees touching the dirty bar floor for it, and alas she found it! If it was lost it would b no biggie, b/c husband's on his 2nd wedding band.



Food leftovers

Hubby and I went out to eat 2night and I bring leftovers home as usual. Enough so I will not have to cook 2morrow 4 my daughter or I, but I always have to politely remind him these are my leftovers, "Please do not eat." It happens more than I can count, I have yummy food in the box, in the fridge anticipating eating the next day, to wake up and they are gone. He can't sleep some nights and my food usually calls his name. Better not tonight! :big_grin: ~Amy



Oh the joys of summer

The summer neighborhood sounds have returned. My daughter is in the front of the house running in the street with the rest of our street kids( did I mention my daughter is shoe-less and in her PJ's? My hubby is on duty now. The more I think about her being shoeless, the worse it sounds. She could step on a shard of broken glass or something. The summer sounds are contagoius. Now, all I need is a bird house full of Martins to eat some mosquitos for me! :big_grin: ~Amy




I can't believe it. I actually got gas for $2.49 gallon today. The week when I actually hadn't did much driving. I fill up my car every Tuesday, and the price has been up there close to $3.00. Thank Goodness I don't commute anymore, b/c I don't think I could afford to work out-of-town :big_grin:   Today was my baby's last day of school. I am back being a short order cook at lunch now :blush: I can't remember what I use to feed her.   ~Amy



I'm proud of my brain

I am proud of my brain today, by thinking ahead and following through with my thought. I have lots of good thoughts, but sometimes they never get produced due to brain damage. Well, My baby's last field trip was today, and they were going to this indoor maze where every child must have on socks or they can't play. I stuck 2 pairs of extra socks in my purse of my daughter's, in hope that a child would forget and wear flip-flops.   I have made that mistake plenty of times at this place in



Do you wanna hold the baby?

Yesterday at my DD's school, her teacher brought up her newborn baby for the kids to meet. She asked me if I wanted to hold the baby? "Me, with one arm hold the baby?"- Is what I thought. When going to public places a lot of times I put my affected hand in my pocket, that way it doesn't (hopefully) look as out of place. It's Friday, the last Friday I will have to get up early for a while. Schools out Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: ~Amy

