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An outpouring of my thoughts and feelings as I try to adjust to life post-stroke

Entries in this blog

It's time to get a few things settled.

Generally, my outlook on life has improved. You'd be surprised what a couple of good days in a row will do for a person.   I skipped my walk with Sam yesterday. I ran an errand to the bank, then took myslef to the nail salon for a much needed fill-in. It's been over a month and I'm surprised the acrylics had continued to stay on. More than half my nail was new growth.   Tonight, after Laney gets off work, she and I will be availing ourselves of the last day of one of Frederick's of Hollywood



Erin is learning to accept the "new me."

Let me start off by saying that Erin is a dog.....an actual canine. He lives with my parents-in-law.   Erin is a Kerry Blue Terrier that they got through Kerry Blue Rescue about 4 years ago. Through a strange set of circumstances, Sam and I ended up dog-sitting him for a little over a month, about 2 weeks after Sam's parents got him.   He was skittish - to say the least - didn't trust males, knew absolutely NO commands of any type, was very undernurished, and since he had spent the first 14



A Small Step Forward

I haven't felt like being very active since my stroke. I get around, work part time, and probably do more than I should around the house - no real "probably" about it. But as far as exersizing has gone, I haven't wanted to do anything. I used to be very active - I saw it as a way of staying ahead of the complications of Lupus, a way to prove that I wasn't going to let that condition "win." Then I stroked. Basically, the stroke was caused by..... oh yeah..... complications of Lupus (and a heart a



Who am I now?

I posted on the forum, yesterday, about my daughter Laney moving into her first apartment with her fiancee, and how I had reacted to the change. Trust me, even though I am very happy and excited for her, my reaction was not as positive as it could have been, for me anyhow.   I guess part of it is because I feel like I have lost so much, had so much taken away, with having had my stroke. I feel like I have lost who I am and I don't know I will be yet. I don't like unknowns like that. They are u



There are so many things to sort out.

Christmas day 2010, I celebrated the holiday with "the whole family" for the first time in more than a decade. I had been estranged from my parents and sister. This was a big family reunion that included my husband's parents and sister, my husband and kids, my sister and her husband, my step-brother and my parents. We had a great day, even though my sister had recently had surgery and was feeling the effects of her pain medications a little bit. I really started feeling close to my family again.

