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thanks for sharing your tv interview with us, now I can imagine your face with your blog. hey don't forget to send me more info on reserach at NJIT for hand the one you are participating in. so that I can sign up for it too & get benifit too.




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Hi Oriana: I enjoyed seeing you on the TV special and hearing you speak. Good job! :Clap-Hands: I also was able to see what an attractive young lady you are! I think you will be a big asset to the stroke and medical community with your own personal insite. Keep up the good work. :You-Rock:



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Hi Oriana,

I am touched and inspired by you. You are being a great help to other stroke survivors and that is amazing and good. I had a stroke last July and have problems with my left hand and left face. I hope you get into the trial. My ot did some mirror box therapy at first and I was able to open and close hand--weakly, but I did it. The fine motor skills tend to elude me still, but I'm trying. I can keep my hand open.You were gracious enough to answer one of my question re endarectomy vs carotid stent in April. I wish you all the best for recovery--I know you can do it. Bev

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You are such an inspiration!!



I agree with Julie...your profile picture does not do you justice...rolleyes.gif

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You're a wonderful Representative for all of us, and the interview was well done. Thank you for being public about strokes and furthering awareness, education and acceptance. You are accomplishing so much by just that alone.



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thank you all so very much for your kind comments :o) Asha I have not forgotten about you. The researchers already know that I've been in touch wwith a NJIT comp sci alum so they will be expecting you but these science oober nerd types are so busy they're slow to get back t me regarding what contact info I should give out but I definitely have not and will not forget about you :o)( :oP Guess its time to update my profile pic, thanks guys :o) I dont have to tell you how nice it is to receive a compliment after your face, body and so much of you has changed :o) Gotta dash Im off to get my walk aide, I will post more about that later because think its going to be great. I will definitely update you all about how it goes ect. Bev,opening and losing your hand is great, Im still working on that but Im going to keep doing my at home mirror stuff until the study dudes come through. Hows the CEA vs stent situation goin? Good I hope :o)

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I hope you don't mind that I shared your interview with friends on my facebook page. I think the more people become aware that stroke can strike at any age and without pre-existing conditions, the better.


Thanks so much for sharing!



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Wonderful job, Oriana you articulate this so well! with your knowledge, experience& compassion you will be invaluable to help many many strokies - don't give up! your new niche in life may wellbe as impactual as you had planned Susan

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