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Everything comming up?



It's been a long time that I have felt as good as I do since my stroke. Or maybe ever.:silly::silly: I'm loving my life, and my love for and with Carl is ever so stronger. Even tho Carl had a stroke. The love Carl and I have for each other spiritually deeper


bond :bop:. I only have one other such bond and that's with Mark.(that's another story for another time.)


My knees are feeling great, had my last shot. My knee brace for my right leg came in and is helping me be balance. My back had been adjusted and I feel good not great yet. Doc has to get my hips in alignment, for tweaking with the aid of a cane has gradually bent over a bit. I look forward to standing straight up and shoulders




Now Carl has had 10 weeks of decompressing sessions and tweaking adjustments. Carl received a shot in each hip and is feeling great.


Having Carl feeling great in turn, I feel gratitude.:Cheers:





Carl and I volunteered at the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm Wednesday bunching, bagging the veggies for Thursday CSA pickup and market. We were their for 6 hours. Their were 4 people out in the fields picking and bringing carrots, green onions, kohlrabies, radishes, cucumbers, pickles for pickling, Zucchini, yellow summer squash. The lettuces were already picked, washed, and in the refrigerate.(you've never seen such beautiful lettuces like this in the grocery stores.) :Clap-Hands::bungee:Thursday morning they'll pick the basil, and dill. Celia was under the weather so she stayed home and rested. Baby come first, she is due in October. Angela had it all on her shoulders.





Thursday we had pain doctors appointment, we got our usual treatment. Had to be done my 10:30am. Since it's the last Thursday of the month 11:00am is Emory Stroke Club. Traffic was heavy which made us 15 minutes late. When we open the


door WOW:Explode: Full room. The topic was making choices of size and type of food to eat. What to watch out for when in the grocery store. How to read the ingredients on packages. I stay away from package foods as a rule. But, when I get in those funky moods rules go out the door in a flash :Munch:.



The speaker had a small booklet that had take out restaurants. Telling you what had the lowest calories. She didn't bring any extra's so she took my mailing address to send me a copy. I won't be going out to eat much but I want to keep up to date on what choices I have when those emergency quickie meals come around. :Ponder:





Why I feel so great is I found a pair of shorts I wore in 2001, put them on and they are loose fitting on. I almost have to wear a belt to keep them up. Lol


:yawn: I got up too early, 3:30am again so I'm going to wrap it up and take a another snooze.:Zzzz:


remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:



remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean




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Hey Jennie, I know how you must feel saying it's been a long time since the stroke you felt this good! I was like that one day last week, I felt so good I sang in the shower for an hour; if I feel that good again soon, I'm going to turn the water on! :big_grin:

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I was so happy to read your blog. I am glad you are feeling so good & someone once told me there are 3 side of personality to every body, physical,emotional & spiritual personality. I am glad you are falling in love carl's spritual side. I also feel same way about my husband.



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It sounds like life is good. You are happy and satisfied and keeping busy doing things that are fun.

Bless you and keep up the good work.



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