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another AHA moment for me, slow& steadily learning how to be happy



I am slowly & ateadily learning how to be happy at all times in my life. Just yesterday had another AHA moment. I know I have had lot of unhappy moments when I have expectation from others specially from my teenage son, and ofcourse you don't get any from teenagers & that used to cause me moments of unhappiness. Though slowly I have realized if I do things for him because it brings me happiness then when he forgets to be thankful to his mom since he is busy playing with his friends, it does not make me angry & still feel happy because I know I am doing right things. now I understand one of the greatest teaching of bhagvad-gita."do your duties correctly & don't expect any thanks in return". do those duties because thats what your job is, and as a mother my job is to make sure our son is well looked after & well cared for & do what is required without any thank yous. just had this realization after when I received his call to bring water to him to his play area. Ofcourse I was happy to oblige since I want him to have fun with his friends though I had prepped myself that he will be too busy playing to come out & say thanks. Ofcourse thats exactly what happened but since I had expected that & had no expectations of any thank yous, it did not bother me much, I know in past it has made me angry. So by just not having expectations from him I saved myself from all the unhappiness. one of my friend once said being parent is such a thankless job, but I think being parent is you have to do things for your kids because that is what bringing you happiness & not their thanks. your thank you comes after 20 years when you see them fully settled happy & contributing member of society. thats when you know you have done good job in raising your kids





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great blog Asha thanks for writing it. :o) I haven't forgotten about you and the study @ UMDNJ/NJIT( your alma mater). I go for my functoinal MRI (fMRI), which is part of the enrollment in the study, this Friday and I should have lots more contact info for you then. the test is scheduled for 3pm so expect a note from me Friday evening. till then, take cae and I look forward to your participation and meeting you in prerson since you always have such positive comments to share here :o) Till later



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