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Starting to have problems again.....



OK, so I am almost done with my semester at school. My grades are great. I have a 3.9 GPA. I just am having a really hard time getting excited about things that I can still do that I love. After the stroke and the ultimate realization of paralysis and finding out that my voice was not affected I was so happy since I could still sing. Before everything, I was a singer, dancer, diver, actress, among other things. The only thing left that I could still countinue from those was the singing. I am now starting to think that I don't even do that well enough to countinue. I love singing and it is the only time during the week that I truely am happy until late. I am just so confused as to why this is happening so far out of the stroke and everything. Any suggestions would be great!


Becky from chicago cloud9.gif


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I am a young survivor too. I was only 27 when I had the awlful stroke. Now I am 29 yikes! Almost 30! I feel your pain seeing all of these older elderly ppl recover faster than a young one. It is very discouraging.

Maybe you could try switching outpatient therapy to a different facility. When I did, I found some very hard working therapist who gave it their all for me and it helped me recover faster. Plus, we are a minority in the survivor world. Therapist really don't know how to handle survivors in their prime. Hang in there girl. I know you will walk again!!! Keep us updated in your recovery. We care about your progress. A lot of little recovery equals a big jump in recovery. We are here cheering you on!

Best of luck,

Amy from Arkansas

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DO NOT STOP SINGING!!!!!!! you'll need to keep your voice in practice for when you can walk and act again!!!!! i believe you will. you are a very deteRined young lady and doing all of the right things to recover to the best of your ability. congrats on the gpa, THAT'S WONDERFUL!!!!



KIM pash.gif

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Congrats on the GPA. When I finally dropped out of college I had a 2.1 GPA. I just can't stand school.


Keep on singing, it's good for the soul. You should also get back into acting. Don't think you'd be able to pull a part in Peter Pan, but there's several roles out there either written or can be modified for someone in a wheelchair. How about the play Harvey? Can you imagine you can see a giant white rabbit? smile.gif





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OMG, that is fantastic for grades, wow.. Kudos..


Keep working those lungs..maybe you can try to push yourself on one of those pedaling contraptions, arms or legs. I notice my breath and lungs go downhill if i don't use my stepper faithfully..signed trying to be a windbag! My lung capacity was nailed by the stroke... among other things, good luck

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Perhaps you will understand something when you read this. Many years ago, before your were even a twinkle in your parents eyes and I was your age, there was a pretty popular singer. I reakly can't remember her name- Roberta Sherwood maybe- and she was an older woman who had grown sons- not young as you are. She used to sing, wearing a simple black dress and I believe she had a symbol that she would tap with a wire ? that drummers use. Her voice wasn't great, not even especially good, but she sang with a lot of feeling and expression. To bring this up to a few years ago. Ever hear of a man named Frank Sinatra? He wasn't great either but he had a bunch of girls in the audience who would swoon when he sang. Years later when he had matured, his reputation had grown to the point where when he sang New York, New York, everyone loved it. Who's to say that a singing career isn't in your future? It's simply getting a gimmick that will make people notice.


Go for it. pash.gif

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