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Well, I Guess I'm A Full Time Blogger Now?



Well, I suppose this is my life story on the line for the Stroke Board. Net, a site I love dearly and have learned so much in the past 6 years or more since becoming a regular donating full time member in good standings! Now I'll have to learn to write blogs every other day or so to keep myself occupied and keep a smile on my own face to keep from thinking of the pains, bumps in the road or the long recovery I still have ahead of me!


You see, I'm told the "Inspirational and Humor Forum" will officially be closed to anymore postings! As you may know, that was the one Forum I was most active in just about daily trying to make members smile to forget about troubles, pains or the many other problems we all face daily. Sometimes a laugh, a poem, thoughts, true expressions of hard times and human feelings overtakes us when we are down in the dumps.


We are not totally in the spirit yet and it's hard to think of the unseen and the unknown even when we believe it is possible! So that being said, let me quote a little of what the inspirational and humor forum has offered to me by the many posting thereof:


"Welcome to the forum where you can come for inspiration, clean humor, encouraging words, life affirmation, and creative thoughts about meeting life's challenges. Post inspiring material here like poetry, quotations by famous people, short parables, etc. The number one guideline when posting, however, is to credit the source of any material you did not write yourself---author, magazine and/or website, etc.! If you don't know the source, write 'author unknown'. Also, if you read something here that is labeled author unknown and you think you know the author, post it in a reply. Imported material that is not credited is subject to get deleted.


Posting creative works you wrote yourself: Poetry you write yourself that relates in some small way to strokes may be posted here or placed in your blog (but NOT in both places).


Poetry you write yourself that does NOT relate to strokes must go in your blog. If you plan to post more than two original poems, they must all go in the same thread. Essays that you write yourself, regardless of the topic, must go in your blog. See the tutorial in the 'Blog Community' forum for more information about setting up and using your blog.


All humor is not acceptable; please use extreme discretion when posting it. Humor of a sexual nature or that puts down certain classes of people will be removed. Humor, like other posts in this forum, should be inspirational, meant to up lift the spirits." end of quote.


MBA: Jean Riva


After reading these guidelines in place by management and me trying my darndest to stay within those guidelines, I really hate to see the Forum be discontinued. But, we all know things come and things go that we have no control over. I support Steve, our FOUNDER AND CEO in any way he desires to run and regulate the site.


So now you know why I may become a steady blogger in the coming days and weeks or I my go crazy with nothing to laugh or smile about because that made my day telling clean jokes and I hope the days of others too! :big_grin: :happydance:


I look forward to saying things in sequence to put smiles on your faces but not daily! So, be inspired and stand ready to spend more time recovering from this thing called STROKE!


Sue, here I come, no not to Australia, to Blog World! :unsure: :oohlala:


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Fred, you are more than welcome here as you know. I am a little slowed down as a commenter on blogs at the moment with Ray in hospital so I may miss an occasional one but I will read them all.



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I am so excited that now you will be posting your humor & inspirational stories here in blog forum. I miss forums all the time, but not blogs, so as I see it, It is big advantage for me lucky me. please keep on coming with your humorous blogs & my spiritual blogs we will keep our blogworld interesting & entertaining.



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Well, I hope to be low key on the humor and the religion stuff to prevent stepping on toes with so many people reading blogs, especially our new members. Most of them are here looking for information about strokes and any help they can get, all types!


So, I plan to be instrumental in healing most of all, a few laughs now and then for the old members who know me!

Thanks to all of you, I'll try my very best! :big_grin:

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