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Information For Veterans Don't Look Good



I think we all know the next few years look bleak in terms of money period. We hear daily our debt is through the roof in America. Where will the cuts start? I get emails daily from my friends all around the US whom I served with in the Army for many years. They are telling me our pay checks will be cut in the coming years, even our retirement checks for the years we served our country.


All of this while our congress gives themselves a three thousand a month raise! To me, that's taking my income and they split it while I'm the one who served my country. You already know that no raises from the CPI has not been given in years now. So our checks for medicare and all others have not been raised one penny. Now they plan to take away what we are getting paid while they get the increase. WOW, where we be in 2 more years?


Taking money from the active duty soldiers and the retired soldiers just don't seem to me the place to cut back. If you have gotten an email lately, let me know! We got more and more people turning 65 and ready for medicare and social security but it may not be there for any of us pretty soon! :unsure:


Continue to pray, all you prayer warriors, for our own Ray and Sue. He is experiencing a hard time this week but reportedly getting a bit better his wife tells us! His balance isn't the best, mine either, but falling can and usually break your bones at our age! I figure now, I may not be able to walk without a cane. Therapy is good, great but it only last so long before you need another session. In the meantime your brain that controls that part of the body is still dead, so the weakness we feel is still there!


Oh, I get my stairwell lift installed next week I'm told and I already got my in house scooter to get around in the home. It's a little bitty scooter, I look like an elephant sitting on a monkey's back sitting on it. They took all that time measuring me up then send out the smallest scooter they could find. Well that's medicare for you! I guess I have to carry it to the second floor to ride it there?


The housing market is bad for selling right now, so I can't sell when I just got 5 more years to have it paid off. Buying a home is great now but I can't afford to give mine up to get in debt buying a new home on one level because of my handicap! Then as I said above military pay checks will get cut sooner or later. I will have to just make do as I have since 2004!


My little grand daughter just came home trying to read my blog and she can to be 6 years old going into the third grade when school starts back in August here. She'll be 7 on the 17th of August but acts like she's going on 12 years old! She's my little helper though and will see to it I got something to eat. She has her own computer set up in the hallway just out side our bedroom but always want to type on mine and watch TV too.


More in a day or two! I'm new at writing blogs you know! Maybe a joke tomorrow!


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I have to agree that it is sooooo wrong for Congressmen and Senators to get pay raises while cutting back on veteran's benefits or medicare. When I heard on the news last night that Gabby Giffords will be getting 24/7 home health care with her release from rehab, I wondered how many others had insurance that would cover such care. Imagine if all the stroke survivors on strokenet alone had the kind of care that congress and senate get with their benefits, how much different their recovery could have been.


Did medicare help to cover the cost of the stair lift? If I were to try to get one to be able to get Gary to the basement for his therapy sessions (much more room down there to put equipment), do you think they would cover it?



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Congress in DC have forgotten most of us on government assistance. I know we live on my wife's ssdi and we haven't had a cost of living increase in 3 years.

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Sarah, Mine was paid for by VA, medicare won't hardly get you a small scooter to use in the home and they don't care if you never get outside or go shopping at stores. Medicare has really cut back lately on what they will allow to be paid for. :rolleyes: There is nothing we can do either!

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