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Good bye, CGS, It's been a memorable journey



I did not expect to leave without bittersweet tears. There were a few. There were a lot of hugs and "keep in touches." I actually went out a couple of months ago and created a facebook page for myself, so there was plenty of "I'm no Facebook, look me up" moments too. Tonight I set my cell phone up to9 receive a text message whenever someone writes anything on my page. That way I don't have to be on the compuer all of the time. Reading/typing for very long has bec9ome a problem. But at least, with the text messages, I can read htem in short peri8ods of time and get back to9 peope simply by doing a q"reply." Sometimes technology is really helpful.



So, I had lunch on the house by hte little cafe that comes in an provides food every day. The owner even made a special sheesecake - dulce de leche - as a "good bye and good luck" gesture. That was very surprising and very sweet. I'll have to take my mom, Sam's mom, or th kids to that cafe some time. They are really good and very nice people.



After Sam brought me home, it hit me that I was done. I looked around the house and wondered what I shou7ld be doing with myself. Then I remembered - NOTHING. Today is not the day to push myself trying to "justify" being at home, like I've done every day I've taken off in the last 13 years.



Taking care of my home, my dog and my husband IS my job now, and I have plenty of time to do that - there are no more deadlines and timeframes anymore. So, I just relaxed for gthe rest of te afternoon. Mon and I took a nap together on t sofa - me laying on et sofa, Mon laying on my back. That dog is getting HEAVY. Sam came home and we went grocery shopping, then I made dinner and now I am writing this post.




I plan to relax this weekend, and start to tackle putting gthe house the way I want it next week. Life will turn into whatever it ends up turning into. We'll see what happens.


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So now you are what I call semi-retired except for caring for your husband and as he continue to recover pretty soon you'll be fully retired and on vacation like me! :big_grin: :rolleyes:

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I was expecting to see you in our afternoon chat but I guess you slept with Mon & missed us. enjoy your retirement. just flow with life no point in resisting where the life flow will take you it will so enjoy the ride.



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Fred, I am the one recovering, not Sam. He is the nurse who cares for brain/spinal cord injury patients.




Asha, napping with Mon is axactly what I did, but I plan to join the chat on Monday.

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