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Goals I want to accomplish this summer



I thought this would be interesting to list goals that we survivors are working on

1. Superficial goal- but grow my hair longer

2. Lose more weight

3. Work hard with my daughter preparing her for Kindergarten

4. Visit my new nephew who should be arriving in Aug. if things go as planned

5. increase my weight that my effected arm/hand can lift

6. Get healthy physically/ spiritually

7. visit family

8. Try to get involved back into painting again

9. Work on handwriting with non-dominant hand, perfect my new handwriting style, also work on new signature- make it pretty and unique

10. Gee, I didn't realize I had so much to work on!!



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that's good goal list hey I had question for you, I have neer painted before but now I want to do, if you can just guide me in telling me what to buy to start painiting, I am right handed so I have more advantage than you, but I must say I m left handed in paintng like ppl r left foot in dancing,


i know u will understand what I mean



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I would try using acrylic paint at first. I t is wonderful. It drys fast and washes out with water. You can find it at any discount store in the craft department. They also sell assorted bags of brushes. Then if you decide you like painting you may want to invest in better quality brushes. I always buy the cheap brushes b/c I don't take good care of them, and I don't feel guilty about tossing them. You don't nessecarily have to buy a canvas to paint on. You may want to try a poster board or something like that at first.

With Acrylic paint I think they sell assorted strip of cups of different colors. Water color is fun also. L et me know if you decide to try it. I have been meaning to ask you how work is going!


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