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Words That Can't Be Used At Veterans Funerals



Unbelievable! Two days before the 4th Of July, I get this disturbing email from my Army retired buddies informing me of a decision the VA has made concerning Funerals of soldiers killed in action! Just yesterday three more soldiers from Fort Hood died in Afghanistan! Now, their families can't hear the word God at their funerals. THIS IS UNBELIEVEABLE IN AMERICA!



VA Bans Mention of God at Funerals for Vets

"The hostile and discriminatory actions by the Veterans Affairs officials in Houston are outrageous, unconstitutional and must stop," said Jeff Mateer, Esq., general counsel of Liberty Institute.

June 30, 2011




The Department of Veterans Affairs and its Director of the Houston National Cemetery, Arleen Ocasio, are engaging in religious viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, by adding new incidents of religious hostility.


Since taking the directorship of the Houston facility in April, 2010, Arleen Ocasio has used her position to bully Christians, repeatedly trampling on the religious liberties of Veterans of Foreign Wars District 4, The American Legion Post 586, and the National Memorial Ladies.


On March 15, Director Ocasio told Nobleton Jones, Honor Guard Junior Vice Commander, that he couldn't say "May God grant you grace, mercy and peace" to grieving families.

"The hostile and discriminatory actions by the Veterans Affairs officials in Houston are outrageous, unconstitutional and must stop," said Jeff Mateer, Esq., general counsel of Liberty Institute. "Government officials who engage in religious discrimination against citizens are breaking the law. Sadly, this seems to be a pattern of behavior at the Houston VA National Cemetery."


Our friends at Liberty Institute have amended an earlier lawsuit against the VA that states the new violations against religious liberty include:


• VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government


• VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families

• VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families

• VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage.


You can read Liberty Instituter's detailed report of Director Ocasio's offenses here.


Director Ocasio has already been successfully sued this year for religious discrimination. Obviously, she is not qualified to be the director of a National Cemetery and should step down.


Send an email to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs secretary Eric Shinseki. Ask him to 1) stop his department's religious discrimination and 2) relieve Director Ocasio of her duties.



Send an email to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki now!


It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.



Tim Wildmon, President

American Family Association



I'm passing this on here because we got veterans like myself right here who cares about all our fallen soldiers and military members in every branch of service fighting and dying for the freedom and security of this country.


The President of the United States has always end his speeches with, "God bless us and the United States Of America."

It's a true DISGRACE by the VA to ALL our Service Members at their Funerals anywhere in America!


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this is so silly. can't believe VA would spend their time & energy in passing this kind of silly laws.



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But yet we can start negotiations with Black Muslim groups in Egypt, per Sec of State Clinton .

What a crock of donkey poop

Too bad the ones behind the desks today could not have been in the paddies with slime and water running down their faces

Some might want the words and I thought there was an amendment about that !!!!!

I just want the words "He did his duty well"


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Of course, what the policy actually is (as opposed to what the AFA is saying to whip up the righteous indignation of its members) quite sensibly says that the honor guard provided by the VA shouldn't inject their own religious views without permission of the mourners.

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seems like the attacks on Christian religion started when madam ohare (or what ever her name was) got prayer taken out of the schools. Since than it has all been down hill discrimination.

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Of course, what the policy actually is (as opposed to what the AFA is saying to whip up the righteous indignation of its members) quite sensibly says that the honor guard provided by the VA shouldn't inject their own religious views without permission of the mourners.


Exactly. I'd say it's a policy of caution, since Veterans come in many beliefs and non-beliefs, as well.

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