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An evening out with the girls.



I had been invited several times to a friends house to work on photo albums. After visiting with another friend, who was also invited, we decided to go. This friend host these work shop evenings 2 friday evenings a month. She has this amazing room set up. Large work tables in the center of the room with directional lights and fans. She has about everything anyone could need or want to do this craft. I do have a lot of stuff for this as well. Seems only yesterday, but truthfully it has been several years since I have worked on getting pictures in the albums. This was very good for me in several ways. For one thing, I was out by my self, with friends and doing something fun. A hobby of mine that had been put on a shelf (or under a table, in a closet and in the garage) for way too long. We talked, laughed, and actually accomplished something. It was so refreshing for me. I accomplished a lot without having to feel guilty cause my craft room is such a mess.


I think I will go again next time she has this :-)


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I am glad you found fun activity to do with your friends, I bet thats quite relaxing. I hope you keep on doing this every month since this could be your me time which you enjoy & has nothing to do with stroke. I am sure that should refresh you.



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I echo Asha's comments. It is great to have that feeling of accomplishment and good to be with like-minded people. I used to love craft days at a friend's home but that was a long time ago now.


Don't go back on it now and feel guilty - me time is essential for your well-being. Wish I was there and could join you, I still have my 1998 English trip photos in envelopes (hangs head) so that is how far behind I am!



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Babs: terrific idea. I am so glad you went and had such a good time. Nice to get out, chat and relax, especially when doing something you like. Absolutely do it again. Debbie

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