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Bills Condition a blog from a blog response



LeahI do know about all the knots in the stomach. Bill is now just starting what will be his last chemotherapy option I swore I could never go from being the cared for to the caregiver and slowly but surely that is what I have done. Out of necessity there was no one else to do it and it had to be done Now at last the home nurse comes to check on him every week now that he has this pump installed But again who would have dreamed that my beloved darling Bill could have survived his devastating cancer that alone survived it since Last October. I am beyond exhausted and worn the doctor said my keee has to be replaced its bone on bone from trying to be on a cane too much. If at any time this chemo drives his blood cell count over the top we are done and a home hospice care plan will be developed The cost of this is over Ten thousand per session ever other week. This is already considered experimental as it is out of Europe and not Authorized by the FDA for here. He uterly failed at the Gemcetabine and Folfow is the ony other thing out there. We wont be blessed with remissiong but perhaps a bit of extra time and knowing that the statistics may benefit others down the road I believe I shared that it is all experimental You are in my prayers If ever there was a formidale foe it was Stroke and now I HAte Cancer of any kind In the midst of this we have had a friend kill herself with drama played out on the news as Swat was called in How can Life be of such value to one and be nothing to another I was going to update the forum on Bill Maybe Sue or one of others could Use this Blog in some way I have little strengh to try to repeat I will keep Jerry in our Prayers Do let me know the results and Leah remeber you can only do what you can Sainthood is not all its cracked up to be Hugs Karen


I am Bills only caregiver and we are in the late stages of terminal Pancreatic Liver Spleen and Lung cancers I am talking my response to Leah and cheating in away. I have niether the time or strentgth to go into the many details I will say this, Bill has alrealdy beaten every odd to be where he is at he by all accounts should have been gone months ago. This is the last treatment authoried and it is listed as experimental or it would not be offered If he gets any benefit from it that is wonderful if not hospice and Palitive care is all we have left as an option Love Karen Sorry for the format of this Its all i can manage for now Karen


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Karen, news from you is always welcome whatever formula you use to do it.


You know you are in the thoughts and prayers of so many on here.


We are all Everyday Saints and should have our own Saints Day!


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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thanks for updating us & we will take whatever format you are able to write in. You & Bill are in my thoughts & prayers.



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A life is so precious - why must some take it for granted, and others chose to do away with it. I will keep you and Bill in my thoughts and prayers.


{{hugs}} and a shoulder



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There is no denying that he is getting sicker and sicker I love him so but how much can he endure for the love of his family? One day one day at a time love Karen

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karen, what can i say, there is so much you have endured and now you are suffering along with bill and i hate that. as you do i'm sure. bills love for his family is stronger than his will to leave them. you are the driving force that is helping him to live. i pray that this treatment can help him. i just wish it wasn't so hard on you both. each new day brings hope. we all have you in our daily thoughts and prayers. hang in there. i am sending you love and many hugs.

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