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The list never ends



Things easing up a but here, maybe I can get some house cleaning sometime this month.


Bruce's scooter batteries arrived and dear Carl came and changed them out, bless him. Not an easy task. Manual again says charge 8 to 12 hours and light goes off at 6 hours. Now I am really mad. Assembled everything and took it for a ride. And guess what, so far OK. It is parked and plugged in. Now it is just a matter of fighting with Pride-the manufacturer, whose instruction manual is wrong. But Scooter Store is also on my list. If their technicians knew that and didn't even put a warning out, they too are irresponsible.


Dryer was finally repaired today. $76.00 in parts, labor was free as when Sears came to fix washing machine three weeks or so ago, I paid extra to have the Dryer gone over. Between Leo and I we managed to catch up on all the laundry, so can concentrate on sheet change tomorrow and back to sorting, bleaching and stain control.


Kira has Vet check up this month and working on her grooming. Can't have her go there looking like a hag-lol. Us caregivers are a special breed. None of our charges will present in public looking unkempt. Bruce and I had hairdresser this morning and he even agreed to shampoo and beard-mustache trim. Transfer to shampoo chair was a bit of a challenge-it slides, but we both look very "pretty" tonight (Bruce calls Kira "Pretty" when he wants her to sit with him). since Bruce is trying to stay up a bit longer at night, at least when I am home, going to try to go out to dinner tomorrow night.


Monday night, big thunderstorm here and branch came down and actually straddled the fence. Lawn crew arrived on Tuesday and took an hour to remove. Minor crease on the fence-a miracle. But there is another huge limb over the deck that they could not reach without the cherry-picker, so they took down seven more trees I had wanted out-easy laydowns and are due back next week for the big job of pruning. This was a project I had put off due to cost, but now forced to do it. It will make leaf removal easier and cheaper this fall and less worry over our winter of some real damage from fallen-dead limbs and maybe open up that back gutter to more light for less ice build up-providing we don't get another 30 inches of snow in 24 hours.


Bruce continues to increase his exercising with Leo and Jen. Jen has him walking in the low end of the pool without weights on the right ankle and Leo is doing weight bearing to the R foot, knee bends and some walking here on his nights. New Physiatrist told Bruce he needs more sleep. Not just lying in bed, binking the TV. I am amazed that Bruce is actually trying to do this and reports to me exactly how long his really sleeps or if not. I usually know this as I am right here, but it is so important for him to take control of things. His boss reports his work is top notch and wants Bruce to increase his hours at work. Bill does this out of love and respect for both of us, really. Bruce will never earn a paycheck again, but I love Bill and his family for being so supportive and encouraging. Bill also knows this is time out for me.


In September Bruce goes to Medicare. Doc will reapply for more Botox and if approved and with the improvement we see with the Baclofen increase, Bruce has agreed to some professional PT-OT again. With the savings from getting off COBRA, we will be able to do this.


My sister Mary Beth is due for a visit weekend of August 13th. My nieces may or may not come. But that is always something I look forward to.


My SNF is downsizing big time. I am lucky in that I am able to work in many Nursing departments-often call myself the Designated Hitter. I work part time, no benefits; so am pretty secure, at least for the time being. My pay check pays for the caregivers with a bit leftover for treats. But mostly I do it for me-my time off and Debbie-specific. I would so miss it if I was let go. Have said so often, this was a career I was born to do.


Now am hoping for a little back to normal routine. All this hooplah sets Bruce back. I am not concentrating on him and it so shows. Although I will say he is starting to take some initiative when he knows I am busy. Tuesday night made himself a bowl of cereal, with cut up banana, mind you; himself while I was out with the Lawn crew. A first.


Good weekend to all. Our weather here in Connecticut is wonderful. Warm days, cool nights. AC almost never on. Mid-section of the country is sweltering. This is so hard on all of us and I do think of you all every day. Debbie


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I don't get here everyday, so I'm not always up on things. Did Bruce have the pump installed, or is he on oral Baclofen? Greg still has the pump and is doing well with that - not much improvement in walking ability, but no pain in arm or leg, spasticity reduced immensely.


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It sounds like Bruce is making headways. I'm amazed at what he does!


Yes, those trees are scarey. A former neighbor of mine had a big one fall on his house about 1 month ago, and they have been living in a hotel and fighting with the insurance company. I had our big Oak cut down last year in our back yard, and I am so happy and so are the neighbors. LOL You have accomplished a lot in a short time!


I had a caregiver burnout after all the prepping and then after care of the unaccomplished colonoscopy. I called my son and said I need a break, come over and stay with Larry!


We are getting a nice rain finally and cooler temps. :Clap-Hands:



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Debbie, I'm so-so glad things are improving and looking up too. Bruce will do more himself as time moves on down the road or up the hill. The more he feels better the more he does for himself just don't holler at him if a mistake is made!


That mid section of the country under a heat attack includes me in Texas. Man I really don't know how we are surviving. Only two heat related deaths in my city so far but at least 7 more hot days are forecasted for triple digit temps above 105!


Every body's yard has brown dead grass. We don't even try to water it at night only to burn more the next day. This is a drought for sure and the cows are dying too. The lakes and waterways are drying up leaving the boats at the marinas in the mud! It's for real!


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I am glad that Bruce is working hard. I do hope that you job continues. It is good to get away from caregiving for Bruce for a bit. Work is a nice escape.


See you on Tues.



What is up with the battery?

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