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New Divide



I'm only three months post stroke. I know the old me died and I'm not sure who the new me is. I'm stuck somewhere in the middle. I heard a song titled New Divide by Linkin Park. It's from a Transformer movie. I never saw the movie so I don't know what the song is supposed to be about. I'd post the lyrics but I'm not sure if I'd be violating a copyright law. If you are interested, search the internet for the lyrics.


The song sums up just how I feel today. So far I'm OK with being in limbo. I'm looking forward to whatever the new me is.


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Hi Dave, I am not sure what the "new normal" is for you but I think it takes about 12 months and you find out. At three months things are just starting to settle down and you are realising that this is not a nightmare it is in fact your "today" life.


Ray has had 6 strokes 1990, 1999(x2), 2001, 2005, May 2011 so we have been through this a few times. Tomorrow I bring him home after a seven week stay in hospital and we start to find out what our new life together will be like. I admit to feeling nervous and anxious about it but new challenges are scary at first.


Welcome to our blog community. I hope you blog often so we get to know you and that you find people here you can relate to. All support helps.



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I am typing this fast, forgive the blur of it:


For a person who recently had a stroke and has lost "20%" of his

brain, you are quite smart, fluid and surely write better than people who haven't had a stroke,


You included in your About Me profile, this line:


"He said I was smiling when I woke up."


I am smiling too about how well you are doing.


I expect grand things from you. You should too.




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Just hang on in there recovery is slow at best but it will make a big difference to get back some of what you lost in a matter of seconds. So, I will say prayers and hope you feel better and get better soon!

Fred! :big_grin:

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I too had a blood clot from my carotid artery, and it's painful to see what you've lost. I'm going through the grieving period, which is strange because you really don't know what's coming back yet, or how bad or good it's going to be.

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welcome to our wonderful blog community. I know exactly what you mean cause when I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side & retired me from the job I loved, I did not know what to make out of my new life I still wanted & loved my old life so change for me was hard pill to adjust, but with the help of my family, friends & this site I have created new normal for me & I am happy to say today life is still great today just little different than I had in mind. Though I have learnt given time & willingness to move forward something good always comes out of change. Though I strongly feel its your life & happiness is a choice, you have to take right actions in your life to be able to thrive in your new normal.


Asha (now 41 year old survivor)

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