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Impatient and tired of just sitting around...



I had lots of days off last week. It felt like a vacation. I really will look forward to retirement.


I took William out to I-Hop...he love the Rise and Shine breakfast. I usually order something that comes with pancakes. Wm loves the pancakes also. He needs to have that maple syrup. He loves to dring lots of fluids. He needs coffee and iced tea. We always get a cup of ice tea to go.


We get breakfast after the pool. that is such a nice treat. He went to the pool every day. William is making progress. He gets impatient and want to go go go. I help him when he gets tired. He does walk and walk. It was Sunday that I almost decided not to go after church. But, Wm said "Are we going?". I was so astounded. Of course! Let's go. Once we get there he says "I must have been a fool to say lets go. But, i knew that you would very soon." Little does he know. I was not going to.


The kids are finished with swim lessons. This means that we do not have to go quite so early to the pool. Instead of 5:30A we get there around 7A. It is so hot here that the water feels good. William is not cold.


William is still in a hurry to get out of the pool. I have to coerce him to stay long. People do compliment him and say that he is doing so well.


So lot of walking. Then the kicking, I have him kick his left leg 25 times to kick my let. Then he does the same thing with his right foot. Then the windshielf wipers exercise with both legs. i have added some jumping. then belly to the wall and out. Then arms push weights in and out. Got to work those arms.


If he is tired and needs to get out too soon. I pull him around on his back and insist that he kicks those legs. Otherwise. I let him sit on the chair and insruct him to kick his legs as i swim.


It does really tire him out. But, it is worth it.


We have been playing dominoes. Wm agrees to play with me. this is a nice break.


He is still very dependent upon me. He calls me while I am at work and wants to make sure that i come home after work. He didn't want his caretakre to leave until i got there. but, I have it scheduled so that she leave before I get home. i want William to get some alone time. He does not like that alone time.




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Ruth: thank you for the blog. that is such good news. I so pray that Bruce gets to the day when he will just walk-I don't even need walk, walk, walk lol.


Bruce is doing better with the alone time, but I started it much later than you did. The fact that he is willing to exercise every day (with some prompt, I know) is amazing. he is seeing the difference and getting his physical life back. Bruce just says no and blocks the doorway with his good arm and leg.


I love pancakes too. Maybe Thursday morning when I drop Bruce at work. Thanks for the reminder-lol. Debbie

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Hi Ruth. It sounds like William is doing very good. I wish Larry had the same drive to go out and do things. I'm amazed at how much energy William has.


I wanted to go to I Hop too Sunday but as we drove by, it was packed. We would have to go during the week. I miss going there.


I would like to get the Nook or Kindle but this is the first Larry has showed an interest in reading again. I'm going to see how it goes.


See you in chat.



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