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Where have all the flowers gone?



It's been so dry here. When we do get rain, it is just a few sprinkles. My lawn is half green and half brown. I use to have my geraniums bloom until October and now they are all but done for.


It was a nice weekend but not too exciting as usual. My son came over and did a couple of chores for us while I ran errands. We go to church on Sat. evenings as it is a traditional service and also more casual. Sunday Larry's daughter and our granddaughter came over and we all went to lunch. Larry never knows what he wants and ended up with chicken fingers. I had the taco wrap. It was hot again and hard getting Larry in and out of the car. We came back home and his daughter decided we needed to update our Facebook accounts. This took 1 hour and Larry was exhausted at the end of all the questions. :head_hurts: It would be nice if he would get on the computer and send messages. We shall see. I emplored his daughter to call him more, even if it is just for 5 min. She works and has a lot going on with her daughter. It seems she is always running her somewhere or on the cell phone with work. She said she would try as I said he needs the encouragement.


I went to the plastic surgeon today for my follow up reconstructive surgery on my nose. I have had trouble breathing due to swelling. He recommended a shot of cortisone each month for 4 months. I had my first one today. Ouch! :o I hope this does the trick.


I am meeting up with friends for lunch tomorrow. This is always a pick me up for me.


Larry has more Botox this week. It will be interesting to see if the doctor recommends therapy again.


I got the book holder for Larry and he likes it. I got the latest Mary Higgins Clark novel. Hopefully, this will give him something more to do besides watching TV!


I filled a prescription today, and since 1 month ago, it has doubled in price. I couldn't believe it.


Praying for rain.




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Julie: your calendar is filling right up. Thank you for the update on your surgery. Cortisone may take up to a day to kick, but hopefully it will do the trick and boy will you have some energy-lol. Nice little side effect of steriods. Don't overdo, but you may be able to get some chores done that you have been putting off since you are so busy and tired. (wasn't that good news-lol)


You may get some help with the weather by the weekend. That Hurricane may push some to you by then. We here on the coast are expecting heavy rain and I think you may have some relief as well.


So glad to hear of your lunch out-do enjoy. So much fun. Good week and enjoy your outing. Debbie

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Julie, you do have a lot of common sense. I so agree with your asking Larry's daughter to ring and spend just five minutes if that is all the time she has. He would soon get used to that more regular call. If I give the phone to Ray he only has about three questions he asks so then hands the phone over to me again.


The dinner out sounds good, I choose Ray's dinner based on what I know about his eating habits and also on his ability to chew and swallow so an omelet with gravy or something that looks like mince and mashed potato. he is happy to be out with someone different and usually responds well.


Enjoy your friends and family and the few outings you have. Life is too short not to party!



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My lawn is all brown cracked dirt with a few patches of die hard weeds. My tree is still green with leaves, I don't know how in these 100+ temps in central Texas for the last 77 days. Guess I'll have to order some grass later.


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