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waiting out the hurricane



able to use computer because we're home waiting out irene and have internet here:Clap-Hands: i've been trying to catch up with blogs and forums, while deleting 500+emails.



hurricane not so bad in upstate n.y. only lost power for a couple of minutes but raining for over 12 hours and don't see any evidence of it stopping but at least the winds are calm for now. stayed home this weekend because we were afraid we would lose power and sump pump might die. we've been staying at camp as much as possible now that toilet is working:Dance: someone, could it be the angelic grandaugthers, flushed a toothbrush:Doh: . we still need a holding tank but at least this works for this summer.


hate the thought that summer is coming to a close:crying: . love autumn but winter following so close it wrecks it for me. it just lasts so long:Argh: 6 months i'm sure texas is glad it's coming to an end:hot: .overall a good summer

aug. 13th we had our big family reunion. what fun. nephew and his wife made it here from jordan. hated to see them go back. they promised they were safe and teaching the crown prince i believe them.their cuisine there is different , knee cap soup:Munch: . glad to have burgers and dogs who wouldn't be?


daughter-in-law was walking the picket line for verizon. thank God son finally got job.

grandaughter walks into our place yelling- what do we want- contract. when do we want it -now.


walking the 5 yrs. old with mom ,2yr. old sister and dad.

grandaughter going to kindergarten next week. sure makes me feel older.


not walking as much as i would like, ankle just won't hold up constantly turning out. camp has dirt roads and i need solid ground to walk. frustrating.:Tantrum: i'll keep working on it but with a 10 yr. anniversary coming in feb. it is discouraging.i look to stroke network for encouragement.:cheer:

i miss fred's daily jokes. i looked forward each day for a chuckle.


fortunately i don't have too much to complain about besides the effects of the stroke. i am blessed.


thanks for listening to my blather.:yadayada: blessings lynn

need to take back upstate ny not so bad. it got whalopped. ther are many streams that turned into rivers taking out homes, trees and farms. heartbreaking. we luckily made out fine. blessings lynn


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thanks for update. Make it therapy to walk on uneven surface. I know for me more I walked on it, my ankle became stronger & has stopped turning now thank god. so solution to your problem, every day as a therapy walk 5 mins on uneven surface with brace first & then slowly without brace. slowly increase your time. & you will see the difference.



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Lynn, like you I always hate to see summer go. No snow here but those dark grey winter days always get to me. I like my days looong.


Glad you enjoyed your family reunion, good to get together and reminisce.


Making the trip home sounds sensible. Our cyclones like your hurricanes cross land and become tropical storms and rain depressions and you just have to sit that out and hope it doesn't flood.


Hope you have a few more sunny happy weeks.



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thanks for update. Make it therapy to walk on uneven surface. I know for me more I walked on it, my ankle became stronger & has stopped turning now thank god. so solution to your problem, every day as a therapy walk 5 mins on uneven surface with brace first & then slowly without brace. slowly increase your time. & you will see the difference.



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i'll try that. i don't have a brace but a walk- aid. i think i'll start with 5 mins. on solid for a week and then 5 min on uneven next week.. thanks for the tip. i really hope to stop the ankle turn. glad to see it's worked for someone. blessings lynn

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Lynn, like you I always hate to see summer go. No snow here but those dark grey winter days always get to me. I like my days looong.


Glad you enjoyed your family reunion, good to get together and reminisce.


Making the trip home sounds sensible. Our cyclones like your hurricanes cross land and become tropical storms and rain depressions and you just have to sit that out and hope it doesn't flood.


Hope you have a few more sunny happy weeks.



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Lynn, like you I always hate to see summer go. No snow here but those dark grey winter days always get to me. I like my days looong.


Glad you enjoyed your family reunion, good to get together and reminisce.


Making the trip home sounds sensible. Our cyclones like your hurricanes cross land and become tropical storms and rain depressions and you just have to sit that out and hope it doesn't flood.


Hope you have a few more sunny happy weeks.



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we survived the hurricane fine but there is total destruction about 1hr. south of us. we had beautiful eather since which gives people a chance to clean up some of the muck.people have lost everything and it looks unreal.sue you should be going into the summer and i hope you can continue planting flowers. blessings lynn

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