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What's Left After Irene?



We have to ask ourselves what is left after Irene, the hurricane or tropical storm? Thank God it never got to be category 2 or 3 with winds 130mph and more. The damage it done is a lasting sight and the effect will be with those states and the people for the rest of their lives.


Most of the people that witness this storm don't remember earlier storms in 1927 or 1938 in their states. It could be many years again before something like this hit the same areas again. Vermont seems to have gotten the biggest destruction with the water and number of homes destroyed by water. The roads and bridges were hit and many people are still without electrical power for perhaps weeks to come.


It seems that natures happenings are everywhere with the earthquake of a few weeks ago on the east coast. The hurricane season began in June so there is still time for more of them coming our way before the end of the season.


We have stroke survivors in so many cities and states all across the US until it's hard to watch as they could become victims to these storms and earthquakes. When the officials give warnings to leave the areas we must comply or suffer the loss of life in some cases when we stay behind. I would feel much better leaving and being OK than staying in the area and losing my life. I know we have material things we are proud of and don't want to lose them but our lives are worth much more and can't be replaced like homes, cars and furnishings can.


If you know of any members here that suffered losses please let us know. There were about 14 or 15 lives lost as reported on TV from North Carolina to Vermont including babies. :unsure: Of course it's not all over yet, water is still flowing over properties and streets while cars are being swept away in the rushing waters.


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One of my neighbor's trees fell on our fence and our shed damaging both. I found out today that the owner is not responsible for the damage caused by his tree unless we had notified him via registered mail that we are concerned about that specific tree! Aaaaagh! How knew that?!

Meanwhile, my son in DC is still without power =(

Considering that it could have been much worse I agree that we were lucky...


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