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I didn't burn the house down



The morning started out with picking up the truck and trailer from Linda's house. Carl and I left our vehicle. Off to the storage shed to pick up furniture for tomorrows night auction We all started at 9am. Pastor John decided to swap out the open trailer (double axle )for a enclosed trailer (single axle).


Finished loading trailers at 11am. I need to get Carl lunch.





In the past week I got the energy to do a lot of cleaning in the house.


Since we will be gone the landlord is going to install the new toilet. So I cleaned the floor and threw out all the junk collected and cluttering. Next the kitchen floor needs a few tiles replaced. But last is those shelves that need to go up on the back wall. So I can finally finish the pantry. I had to move the cluttering that was against that wall. And I clean out the butterfly sunflower plants and put mums in.





In the beginning of last week we got 3 eggplant to make Eggplant Parmesan. Carl went out for a day on his own and I decided to put that together. I usually don't do the cooking cuz I forget to shut off the gas stove. Carl was surprised when he got home that I made the Eggplant Parmesan and I didn't burn the house down. lol! I usually only do the baking it was a real treat to produce a dinner and not burn the house down all by myself.







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My you have been a busy girl. Nice to get those bursts of energy and feel that you have accomplished so much.


Please Jeannie remember that you still need rest and time out.


Kudos to the dinner, you must have been so proud. One step at a time and yes you did remember to turn off the Stove. Yahoo! Debbie

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Yey! Jeannie, you are an inspiration. I must clean out, clean up and renovate - well maybe not all at once. I hope you enjoy your excursion and the auction raises a lot of funds to lend a helping hand to those who need it.


Go on doing the good work and enjoy those fall days.



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That was a clean break in routines and nothing bad happened. That should give you more ideas of what all you can accomplish when you put your mind to it! :Clap-Hands:


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Thank you for your comments.ear

Debbie yes I will rest and take my time.


Sue I will not try to do it all at one time.

Auction raised the highest this year then any year before.


Asha I don't know how to use the microwave timer but I know have a cell phone with a timer.


Fred I just went with what was given us and but my trust in the Lord!:You-Rock:


Thanks from all! :happydance::cocktail:

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