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had a scary situation that i yhought i should warn you



well as i got up to take a shower i was sitting on the adjustable shower chair just taking a shower when i was rinsing my hair the adjustable buttons was getting rusty and it collupse with me on it lucily i wasn"t hurt but i did get scared so check your adjustable char to make sure that it is nor rusting out as i would hate to see something happening to you so even though the chair was design to be use in the water IT DOES RUSTand when that happens you will go for an unwanted ride so be careful please

t hurt


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LENNY WHAT A SCARE! IM GLAD YOUR ALRIGHT. PATTYahh thank you patty and yes i am fine just a little cocern for the members and the product that you may buy so buyer beware

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Lenny, what a scare and I was just getting used to being able to leave Bruce alone in the shower for a few minutes while I set up his clothes. I am so thankful you are OK and also for the heads up. Debbie

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Lenny I'm sure it was not funny at the time. But, know looking back if it was being video recorded you could sent it into the show "the funniest video" and win money. lol

I guess we assume that a product that is made for conditions being in shower with water on it, that non-curosof bolts would be used in the products safety. Oh, but it was probably made in China.

Glad your ok Lenny. Jeanniebean :cocktail:oh yes you would think that but i guess not and yes you are probably right made in china but always check for rust on the bolts if you find rust do not use

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Lennie, that was scary and happy to hear you are okay. When Larry first had his stroke, the home therapy folks recommended a 3-in-one seat you could use in shower and then bring over to his bedside for toileting. After using it in the shower, I found it rusted and had rust on our bedroom carpet. We now use a shower chair, which works great, no rust. We use the other over the toilet only.



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Glad to hear you are ok, Lenny.


Shower chairs do wear out. Hopefully your experience will cause others to check their chair. I am on my third since my stroke in 1997. My current one is teak, so it does not rust. It does have to be reconditioned with teak oil twice a year -- not difficult, but a bit of a pain.


BTW, there are lots of shower chairs to be found on the web. Be sure a new one is at least 17 inches tall.



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thanks for the heads up. I will check the shower chair. I am glad that you weren't hurt. I can just see that happening and Wm refusing to take a shower again.



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