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The condition at The Filemans

AZ Leah


I feel very remiss not posting about Jerry but so much has been going on that I either don't have the time or I am crying. Jerry's chemo has taken a toll on him to the extent of loosing 40 lbs. I put in my long-term care insurance (altho' he now needs it more than me) and had a caregiver be with me and Jerry 2 nights in a row. He has continued to get weaker and cannot safely walk with a walker any mre. Tues he fell going to the bathroom, hit his head, luckily no blood, but he knocked out his other front teeth. Night before last he was really hot and the caregiver and I ran his temp and it was 102. I took his blood sugar and even tho it was ok before bed, it was only 49. I call 911 and the paramedics stabled him out. They left it up to me to take him to hosp or wait the few hours till morning to call his dr. His oncologist said to bring him right in and if needed they'd transfer him to the hospital right next door. They kept him on fluids and antibiotic and nausea and anxiety meds until a bed was ready (all due to the chemo and he has 2 sessions to go if he can make it). He fell again last night in the hospital thinking he could get up to go pee - the chemo brain they call it. The CT was clear--that's the only good thing that has happened except he is more comfortable now than he was before he went to hosp. plus I will have help round the clock when he comes hope. My crying has been as bad as when I first had my stroke although this afternoon it's been better. It is zapping all of my energy and on top of my love Jerry I am also afraid for myself. I hate to complain, as so many people are having severe problems right now. So I'll end so I have time for the Lord before bed. I know He is our refuge and shepherd and I send love and prayers to all those in need. Love, Leah


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Leah, none of us are going through what you personally are going through and you vent, rant, rave, cry all you want. We are here to be that shoulder to lean on when you need it.


I had my Dad here for the last four months of his struggle with cancer but it is just that you don't want to lose them. With your husband it is as if you are losing your life too. I know how I feel about Ray and that is as if what happens to him happens to me.


We love you here and if prayers are helping a lot are coming your way. Oh and you are officially (((hugged))).



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I know what you are going through right now is very hard. I pray for your strength to get through this difficult time in your life. I know it's not easy, but you have all us in your corner praying for you & sending you ton of virtual hugs.



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Leah: I can not possibly understand what your ae going through. Thank you for updating us and please know that you and Jerry are in my prayers. Debbie

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I am so sorry to hear about Jerry. I know that this is very hard on you.


thanks for giving us an update.


I wil l keep you both in my prayers.



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