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I am back at last



Well I had the heart catherazation and then the doctor in Charleston ordered the non stress stress test. The test results showed some blockage but not enough for stents or bypass. However the did show that my heart is extremely week. I have to return to Charleston in a few weeks to have a defibulator installed. Personally I can't understand why they couldn't have been while I was there.


I wont to thank all of you for your prayers and support.


guess I will see you all Tuesday night in caregiver chat


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Well, at least part of it is over and the wait now is short. I can't say why they make you return but seems normal from my experiences with appointment. The drive and gas to go back seem unwarranted doesn't it?


Now you know where you stand on your condition and what ever they do has to help in the long run.


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Hi Mike. I'm glad the catherization went well and they found the weak spot. Too bad you have to wait but this gives you time to recover and rest again. Take care.



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I am glad catherization went well & they found a reason & have solution for your condition. I agree with Julie I am glad you got to wait so that your body gets time to heal & be ready for next procedure.



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It is good to hear that you are back. Yes, i agree, it is too bad that they could not have taken care of everything while you were there.


I must let you know that Rose was great. she did a good job of filling in for you.


What do they mean by Weak heart? congestive heart failure? and atrial fib


See you tues.




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Won't see you in chat as I will be away for a few days but I am so thankful you came through it all okay. I'm guessing it was different technicians and equipment needed for the defibrillator to be installed so as usual you go to the bottome of the list again.



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Yahoo! you are back and I can breathe again! I echo Ruth: Rose did a wonderful job. You are so proud of her and she certainly deserves that. I am in awe of her maturity. Please give her and Kitty a big kiss for me. They must be so relieved to have you home.


OK, so what you went through was enough for one day for your heart. You get some strength back and go have the pacer put in. Plus some more time with your family. I know it is so hard and stressful to leave Rose and Kitty, even if for a short time, but they have proved they can step up for a bit. As hard as it was to go and as much as you feel needs to be caught up on, you have a few weeks to get your strength back and physically prepare for the pacer. Please keep that in mind. Docs gave you a bit to get stronger. Hugs and welcome home, Debbie

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Mike glad you now know what is going on with your heart. Now about not getting the pacer the day you where their. Look at it this way: that day if you were having heart pain and the doctor said to you your going in surgery NOW. You can't live without this surgery (Pacer) TODAY.

Be thankful nothing happened like that and you returned home to Rose and Kitty.

Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

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Sorry the I will miss you this week in chat We are heading for the National for Drag Racing in Reading so I have some packing to do.

So glad to see this post I was hoping that you or Rose would so that I would know before we leave for our weekend. Prayer were answered and hoping for a fully recovery once you have the pacer put in.

Take care Sally

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Mike - I haven't been able to sign on as often as I would like, but glad to see that you are having your own health problems taken care of. Glad to heart cath went without a hitch and will send prayers your way for a full recovery after the pacemaker is in place. Take care, Kathy

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