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Fresh Start



Four weeks ago I started a new contract. I'm a web application developer and I work on a contract basis. My last contact ended earlier this summer. The biggest challenge of finding my first post-stroke contact was not getting the interviews; it was making it through the interview with my aphasia. I told the guy who set up the interviews to use his judgment on what to tell the interviewers about my stroke. The first two interviews did not go so well. Then I got a call from aclient a worked for two years ago and they didn’t need to interview me. I got my start date and I’ve been working for four weeks.


It was the best of all possible scenarios for me. I was working in the same setting as I was two years ago, with the same people. It was like I never left. It’s like being back home. I’m pretty sure nobody at this job has any idea that I had a stroke five months ago. If anyone asks I won’t deny it. It’s part of who I am now. It is great having a fresh start. The first two weeks were a little scary. But now I know that I’m able to do the job. I’m getting my confidence back.


Last week I had trouble getting my phone headset working. The office administrator helped me get a new phone. After we got it work she said “at least we know the problem is not with your head.” I doubt she knows about my stroke. I had to hold back the laughter.



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WOW Dave,


That really is a Fresh Start! Man you gotta be very happy in many ways to have your body back and not much loss in income for a short time. That's a real blessing in my mind. Confidence is what we all need and strive to get. We function much better when we do get it back knowing we will be alright with more hard work at recovering!


:welcome: to Blog world, hope to read more blogs from you as time goes on.


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hey Dave:


that's great news, I am glad you started your contract at the old job, I think that will help you big time in your confidence 7 will make you better equipped for your next contract.



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Guest hostwill


That is the very best news.





way to go dave.Nice to hear of your successes in the future. Keep on keeping on.


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