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when walking learn to trust your leg, and hold your weight butbe very safe



IN ORDER TO WALK YOU MUST LEARN TO TRUST YOUR PARILIZED LEG WHEN YOU WALK BUT YOU MUST ALSO BE VERY SAFE WHEN DOING THAT AND OF CORSE THAT WILL MAKE A DECISION OAS TO WEITHER TO USE A CANE OR NOT THE ABLABILITY TO WALK IS TO BE ABLE TO STEP THROUGH AND OVER YOUR HIPS AND TO TRANSfer your weeight over your body and your legs so in affecting allowing your leg to hold your weight whilr transfoering opnto the other foot , if you can do this and allow your affected leg to hold up your weight without falling or hurting your hip it sewems to me that when i walk and i push of ofon my parilised leg that i can push my foot through using my ham stringi know this is probably all of you know that i just wantedto tell you so that you will always be safe when tring to walk and just so you know even though i don"t use a cane when i walk if i am wearing a bioness i will alwaysuse a cane if it is wet or slippery all the best to you in achieving your goal walk more and walk further


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Trust is the word. Wm has a hard time trusting the leg that does not feel.


I always enjoy your blogs of experience.


Keep up the spirits and good work.



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I wish I was walking without a cane outside especially but it hasn't come around yet. I can and do walk around my house without the cane but my mind tells me I'm OK because I got the wall, door knob, a piece of furniture or something to catch and hang on to so I don't hit the floor.


Outside I got no safety valve to stop me from hitting the cement and possibly breaking a bone or two. That's scary for me because then I'm in the hospital then laid up at home. I can hear the whole world saying "Why didn't he use a cane."


But my time and turn is slowly coming to me and I'll be ready when it does arrive! :big_grin:


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thanks for this post - it came at a much needed time for Greg. He hasn't been feeling well lately, and been having more trouble walking - and it seems to be exactly what you said - he doesn't seem to trust his leg, and yet it does seem to be moving the same as always. I read him your post and he said he would try that. It gave him some incentive!

Keep up the good work, Lenny!


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Thanks, Lenny.Your blog helped ALOT! Even when just being assisted to a standing position, I tend to put all of my weight on my rt, unaffected side. It's hard to trust what you cannot feel. I am not a trusting person, but, upon reflection, I think you're right; my lt leg can't hold weight if I don't let it. So, it all comes down to trust, huh? Becky

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