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more cold, wet days



I’ve been away for a few days and Trev got to sit with his Dad in hospital on Sunday when Ray had another seizure and the nursing home staff sent him to the nearest hospital for more blood tests. He has to have his seizure medication increased. Today they gave him a “whiff of oxygen” to get him alert enough to get up out of bed so looks like things have changed again. He has been through so much this year and yet he still has a smile for the nurses.


I have just got back from the south coast – rain, rain and more rain. I took Lucas down with me so the two grandkids down south had someone else to play/fight with. Interesting watching who played with who at which game. I love them all heaps but being closed in with them over seven days of bad weather got a bit wearying.

The weather should be warming up again but seems to have gone back to winter. The long weekend, first weekend in October, is usually one where families go camping so I felt sorry for all those under canvas. It was bad enough inside where we were dry but not as warm as usual as the heating had been turned off. At least we got another week’s wear out of our winter blankets; I had to ask for another one as the downstairs bedroom was freezing at night.


The fun part of being with the grandkids is doing the holiday things, so I went with them to see the new Smurf movie, ate popcorn and had a special drink. I laughed in the right places in the movie but I am old enough to remember the last Smurf craze. Now I really wish I had kept all those figurines. We went to the church’s Teddy bears Picnic on Saturday afternoon and my team won the balloon game with a lot of laughter. It reminded me of my days as a Tupperware dealer when such games were in vogue. We also had morning tea out a couple of times and walked on the beach on a day when there were some sunny spells.


I went to see Ray today and he was very sleepy. He had been in bed all day resting which of course is not good for his circulation, mobility etc. The staff assumed he needed a couple of days of bedrest after having a seizure. I’ll make sure he gets up tomorrow. I want to say to the staff: “How will this all end? What is the prognosis? Show me how I will get through all this” but I know there are questions no-one can answer. I wish I was more patient and could just accept that life has to go through certain processes and then the end comes. But it is hard to get my head around all that. I spent a year as a voluntary hospital chaplain and have seen it all before but somehow when it is your own beloved laying there you are so vulnerable.


I also went to see my Mum; she was in one of the common rooms as her new room mate cries out so they keep the other three out of the room as much as possible. Dementia is such a sad disease. The room mate is also younger than I am so it touches my heart too to see her so distressed. Mum is mostly asleep now. Again I want to ask: “Is this the end now? Will she go to sleep one day and not wake up? When should I bring the family with me to see her one last time?” but those too are questions no-one can answer.


The good news is that I am to be a grandmother again in the middle of next year. Trev and Edie are to have a baby and Lucas will be a “big brother”. He admires Christopher as the big brother of Naomi so the next little girl or boy will have a strong protector. I am glad this is happening now as the family needs something good to look forward to. We speak too much of death and dying.


There are still many things to be done before I have fixed up the paperwork for Ray so tomorrow it is back to that. I am glad I had a break as I was getting too tired with all of the aspects of the transferring of Ray’s full-time care to others. No-one can care like a caregiver at home can but when she/he cannot do all that needs to be done the only choice is handing over the care to others and that is not easy to do.


I am hoping for a few sunny days to get some spring cleaning done, air out the house and introduce some bright colours back into my life. I am so over cold, wet days.


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:congrats: on becoming grandmother again. I am sure new baby will bring so much joy in all of your life, & I feel you all need that joyful distraction from all the pain you are going with Ray & Mum right now



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Sue, glad you are back and had a nice "time off" in spite of the rain. I was having a minor breakdown yesterday when I was told Larry needed to do another sleep study. (That means myself included as I have to be there to help him). The Nuero's assistant would only talk to Larry and not me. I have never had a problem with any other doctor's office in taking the info for Larry! :ranting: I read your post and realized you have much more on your plate and seem to handle it well. I do think you have more family support than me and seem to be less frazzled by the medical people than I am. Just when I thought "all the world was against me" a friend dropped by and did some yard work for us. I had already bought the dirt and seed and was going to get my kids to help this weekend. Larry's friend showed up and did it, and wouldn't take no for an answer. He did this in between his jobs. I also got Larry's sleep study scheduled again and we will just have to grin and bear it. Hopefully, Larry will get the sleep in they need for their test. :Zzzz:


I am so sorry for all of Ray's health issues as well as your mum's. I pray for you all.



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Sue, You are an amazing women. With your mother in a home and your love in another.

Glad you took a break and enjoyed your grandchildren, despite the ran and being confined in doors.

Too tired to comment further so you and your dear ones are in my prayers.

remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail::cocktail:

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It was my experience with my mom that the attending doctor and the head nurse knew my mom was about to expire. Could not be true in every case especially in nursing homes. I think if you would ask them to inform you when they feel she is in the last few hours they would so you can bring the whole family to see her one last time.


It's good you enjoyed the hot days...Now the cold days are upon you there as we are preparing for fall now and winter coming in 3 months.


Congrats on being a grand again, I'm already a great grand twice over at 70. I can't imagine being around to put another great in front of the two I got now! I do have a grandson in Japan about to have his first child soon.


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Sue: Yahoo! A new little "Wilko". You must be beside yourself. Congratulations honey. Get those knitting needles out. You just made my night!


I am so sorry about Ray's set back. Poor guy just can't seem to get a leg up these past months. I am pleased he still can smile for his nurses. He likes a pretty face. One day at a time. You know that. And poor Mum. I know she probably doesn't realize she isn't in her own room and I am sure they are paying attention to her needs. But at least Sue, even sleeping most of the day, she is still up and dressed and that counts.


I am required to take Hospice re-training annually. How these nurses do this 24/7 is beyond me. Yes, there are signs we look for as nurses and sometimes we get the family there and sometimes not. Whatever deal one makes with their maker-whatever their faith or belief, is between them. We as nurses and just caring people, pray for no pain, peace and dignity. When the deal is sealed, you will know. Prayers and big hugs, Debbie

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