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How Blessed We Are As Survivors



:big_grin: You know, in general terms all of us are blessed to have survived strokes, child berth, body complications and all kinds of situations in our lives that brings us together here at Stroke Net! I read where a member or two had the stroke just after child berth. Both baby and moms are doing OK.


I read Sue's blog where she is becoming a grand mother again and it started me thinking of how many others are still around to see grand kids whether we are the stroke survivor or we are the care giver of our mate. Then I'm thinking...Wait a minute, I have lived to see and be a great great grand father and can possibly see another grand added making five generations of a seed. That in it self is rare when it happens but to be a stroke survivor and live to see it happen is a living wonder in my mind!


We have a lots to be so thankful for in our lives because we didn't have to be here but God saw things differently and He had a reason to make us survivors. Then for those of us who somehow remained with our mates is an extra bonus of life.


Again I look at Sue who has her Mum and now husband in a nursing home still giving care for them is a truly blessing in her life. She is the kind of woman you wish could live forever and see all her grand kids grow up. I sorta wish that for myself and the door is open. I'm close now at 70 but only God knows what He wants of me!


I can be proud to say my father whom passed in 1955 was a slave and had to swim a river to escape and save his life. I am his 18th child from one woman, my mom, who passed in 1981. He was born in 1876 and my mom in 1898. They both were migrant farm workers called "Share Cropping" all their lives packing up and moving from one town to another with their children where ever the work was. They had plenty to feed the family I'm told


By the time I came along in 1941 life had changed somewhat for them. I got to raise chickens, cows, pigs and goats all of which I had a hand in getting them ready for the smoke house and dinner table. I rang so many chicken necks it still seems like lately. I still love fried chicken today cause I never got to eat the best parts. The preacher and his wife got those parts every Sunday by mom's orders. Then my dad killed the pig or goat and I dug the hole to make a BBQ pit. Some of it was put in the smoke house to cure and that was good eating too. There is a lot more but you get the idea why I'm proud to have survived a stroke and feel blessed.



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Fred: funny. I was looking at Bruce today-the love of my life. I was thinking about all that he had overcome and accomplished in his life: broken marriage, growing up on a farm, alcoholic mother, epileptic first wife, his education and pride in that; his adoring friends. And then stroke. I look at the challenges now handed to him. I am saddened when he does not step up to the task and recovery.


But then I look at those flashing green eyes, his quick wit, his ability to laugh and mostly his love for me and I don't know what I will do without him, but I am thankful everyday for the time we have been given. Thank you for the reminder. Debbie

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Guest hostwill


You are right Fred. We are truely blessed with surviving.



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