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Good times



My family has way too many birthdays the first week in October: My sister, my nephew, my niece and a brother. Everyone was calling for their special day: let's do this, let's do that. The calendar was getting jammed packed. Of course, Mary Beth and Melissa were coming for the weekend, but couldn't be here during the week for the other stuff.


Then as I looked at the plans, there was no way Bruce would be able to keep up. So being the oldest and having full veto power-lol, told Mary and Melissa to just come on Friday, early afternoon.


My brother Michael moved in with my brother John, after John's divorce. Niece and nephew wanted to finish high school where they lived, so stayed with their Dad. Now that Brittany has a baby, little Izzy has her own bedroom at Grandpa's for when she visits and Grandpa babysits and the boys live 15 miles from me, in Milford, where we grew up.


Friday night we met here and had a pizza party. Several friends also dropped in and then the Milford group headed home. Saturday Bruce, Mary, Melissa and I headed to Milford. Recently the state of CT built a beautiful boardwalk along the beach we grew up on. CT took 1/3 of our shoreline in Milford under eminent domain back when I was in high school and never did a thing with it except cut it off from the public. Now apparently there are some funds to allow this handicap-friendly 2 1/2 mile board walk. And it is a beautiful walk, right on Long Island Sound.


Melissa had Facebooked that they would be in town, so a few friends and cousins met us. Little Izzy at 19 months walked the entire boardwalk-no carriage for her. She's a big girl! She was a little put out that Uncle Bruce had a pretty sparkly red scooter, but seemed to understand that he could not hold her and steer with one arm. It was very precious.


From there we went to lunch at a family restaurant right on the Housatonic River and the weather was so perfect we were able to eat on the outside deck, off in a corner where Izzy could run and not disturb any other diners. After that we returned to our prospective homes for naps, downtime.


We met back at our house for happy hour and dinner. Mary Beth and Brittany cooked and the boys brought salad and dessert. I had stored my deck furniture for the winter in anticipation of Hurricane Irene. But when you are with family, it is about the company, laughs and love; not about the furniture or lack of. After dinner it was cupcakes and presents for the honorees. Mary Beth and Melissa left Sunday morning and my trooper Bruce, took a long and well-earned nap.


Our poor Kira is just glad all the festivities and people are gone.


Today was a down day being a holiday. Things back to normal: laundry, refridge clean out and going over the mail and paperwork I let go for a bit. And then off to work for me.


Our fall foliage is at about 50%, but the beach was gorgeous and the weather 77 degrees, sunny. Bruce tanned all over again and looks so healthy. And for me, just the connection with the family. No dramas-just enough time without over-doing. Leo said Bruce talked about it all night. Good times.


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I am so glad to hear that you and Bruce had such a wonderful time.


Those special times are even more special for our survivors. They just feel so normal again. I suppose.



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Debbie as I read your post I was right there on the boardwalk with you enjoying the scenery. We too have had great weather but not that kind of environment to enjoy with it. Our foliage will start to peak this weekend they say.


I'm happy for you and Bruce to have these good times. I know Larry perks up to around friends and family.


See you in chat. :chat:



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I am so happy for you both, having those fun times with family makes life so much more meaningful & fun.When I have days like those I know my reason for surviving my stroke to be able to enjoy my life with my family & friends.



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Debbie, I enjoyed hearing about your special weekend. Family is so important and it is so rare these days to find families that support each other as well as you guys do. I loved hearing about Izzy on the boardwalk being impressed by Bruce's scooter. Such wonderful memories you will all have of this time together. So glad that Bruce can be so much of what is going on.


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So often we write about frustration, loss, setbacks, Dr. appointments that we forget the life goes on after stroke--and that life is good! I smiled while reading this so much I wasn't sure my smile wouldn't push my ears out of place. I'm so glad you had such a great time.



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Debbie, I have a lot of wonderful memories of family gatherings, Christmas parties, christenings, BBqs and picnics in the park. There are memories of the trips Ray and I did after the 1999 strokes in the period 2001 - 2005 right up to the 2005 stroke which seemed to make his conginitive difficulties and his balance issues so much worse.


I am glad you and Bruce have got to that stage where the door opens and the world is out there waiting for you. Make the most of it and enjoy it together.


Now I just want to enjoy sunny days with just the two of us for a while.



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