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So long since I've done a blog. No excuses, just somewhat busy with other stuff. But, I've had one heck of a year and I am trying to look toward more improvement.....I hope I'm on the right road again because I don't think I could stand too much more. Friends tell me how strong I am, but I look back and think that I don't have any choice in the matter. I'm not strong, I just don't want to have to seek help or depend on anyone. I should be able to do anything myself. But, now I realize that there are many things that I cannot do because I still have disability.....I can't bend down low enough because I'm afraid to fall, and if I do - I can't get up and I have to call the Fire Dept to get me up again. I have started walking around in the house without walker or cane, but don't trust myself to do it outdoors or in a place where I'm not really comfortable.

Anyway, I've started driving again - not far - perhaps 20 or 25 miles from home. I am now blind in one eye so my depth perception is really bad which makes me a terrible parker! I have an eye appointment in Boston in November with the surgeon who's taking care of my eye problem and no one to take me into the city. I've determined to drive myself and do my best to park.

I am very emotional and have been ever since the stroke. Thought it would have gone by now, but I still cry at the sight of little kittens and Dancing With the Stars when somone does really well!

Guess I'm still kind of a mess! Thanks for 'listening" and I'll try to become a regular again. Reading your messages always made me feel better, that I was still normal.

PS ..... have to add that I write a newsletter for my local Lion's Chapter and have done a couple of items on STROKE SURVIVAL. Next issue will be how to prevent this dastardly plague!


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I beg to differ with you. You are strong. Many people would have crumbled after what you have been through. When you look back, look at what you have achieved, not how far you have to go.


I still cry at the drop of a hat and I'll drop the hat!--but I am not driving yet. Let yourself up. Look at what you can do more than what you can't because what you can do will give you a sense of pride and help to define the new you.



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I agree with Jamie please don't do injustice to yourself by comparing to old you. look at what you can still do then what can't do. all little things like driving & walking don't take it for granted & loose amazing joy & grace in it. Stroke happened but you are still here & can still make best menoade out of your lemons. for me personally actively blogging & chatting with other survivors have help me deal with my new reality.






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Annie Jay - hurray for you! You are now walking and driving and writing articles for your Lions Magazine. You are a miracle!


Make the most of the good life you have, don't waste time comparing how you used to be to how you are now.




Ps I am a Lion too, a member of Killarney Bateau Club on the beautiful Central Coast of New Soyuth Wales, Australia.

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I can't wait to get to a meeting next week to let my Lion's members know I am in connection with an Australian Lion! So glad you wrote to me.

My club is The Randolph Lion's Club, Randolph Massachusetts USA.


The newsletter I write is called "The Roar" and I'm very proud of it.


in celebration of Lions everywhere.... I was installed in December 2009, had my stroke in January 2010 and was in hospital for a long time. But the first meeting I made it to with my walker, etc....I was so strongly welcomed 'home' that it made me cry. And at every meeting, there will always be someone who comes to me and asks how I'm doing and they are genuinely happy to see me! This is the stuff that make like worth living!

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