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10 year stroke anniversary



Today has been rough for me. I cried for almost 2 hours today after sleeping until 1:00 this afternoon. I kept reminding myself of all that I have accomplished. I am alive. I can walk. I can run. Im on my way to finally getting my hand back. I finally have my license. I have a car. I went on to graduate a semester early from college with a 4.0 gpa. I have worked for the highest level of government. I don't have seizures anymore. I don't have brain surgeries anymore. I don't get picked on anymore. I accomplished all of my goals in college. I could go on and on. but none of this stuff mattered to me. I don't know if it was pseuodobulbar affect, the mood changing side effects of my seizure meds, or the tiredness and weakness from the seizure med and baclofen, but I just could not make myself happy. I left my room once today to eat a bowl of cereal. I see my neurologist on Friday. He is concerned that my white blood cell count is low. I don't know what that means. I just wish I could be off all of these medicines. I always feel tired. I never feel happy. The other day One of my friends asked me do I take anti-depressants because I never get excited about anything. I found that side effects of the 1000 mg of leviteracetam I take everyday include: mood changes, hostility, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, and tiredness. I guess the tiredness and weakness from the baclofen does not help my mood. I don't know what to ask my neurologist. I just wish I could be off all of these medications. A day that was supposed to be spent celebrating accomplishments and milestones during the last 10 years of my 2nd chance at life has turned into a day of ungratefulness. I am trying my hardest to be happy but I just feel too tired to do anything and its difficult to make myself happy just laying in my bed in my room. I just pray my 11 year stroke anniversary will be better. If anyone has any advice on questions I should ask my neurologist or suggestions for helping my mood and energy level, I would appreciate it.


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I don't have any advice, don't know what questions you should ask but I did look at that long list of your accomplishments and asked myself why you are unhappy? It is hard to see what you need that you haven't already got (apart from that the stroke never happened).


Maybe you need to take up laughter therapy, become a clown doctor, do something that will give you a real boost. Volunteering for a kids charity might do it, or helping out stroke survivors in a nursing home or hospital. I think you did that for a while. Sometimes giving others hope gives you help too.


Ray always boosted himself by saying: "there are plenty worse off than me" and then being thankful for what he had got back. Unfortunately now for him that period is over and he will not get any recovery from this last stroke.


You are a lovely girl Katrina and I am sad that your medication is taking the colors from your life and you are unhappy.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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I think you should have a serious heart to heart with your neuro or even a neuro-psychologist. It is true that many anti-depressants list depression as a side effect but not all anti-depressants will effect every person that way--even if another antidepressant did.



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Congratulations Katrina! :cheer: Your accomplishments are a lot to be proud of.


I hope you get the advice you need from your nuero. I know doctors can be frustrating to us sometimes.



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:congrats: on your 10th anniversary. I feel you have not reached serene state of acceptance.let me remind you reaching acceptance does not mean giving up the hope, but accepting that yes stroke happened & left you with challenges in your life, but as you can see even with those challenges you have done pretty well for your life. give pat to yourself in the back & move on. I feel once you realize every one has some crosses to bear, & this is yours, but having faith that God is providing you help to be able to carry this cross. I believe we survived for a reason & not as a punishment. I agree with sue start volunteering so that you will see there are so many far worse off than you.



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Katrina: Asha has said it so well. The doctors will take you off the medications or wean you when they feel it is safe and therapeutic for you. Be sure your medication list is complete and the reasons why you are taking each and every one of them.


Try considering the glass half full as opposed to half empty. You must focus on the whole you and not one specific complaint: spasticity, hand not coming back soon enough, job hunt, too many medications. You know this, you have been dealing with it for 10 years. Acceptance is the key. Debbie

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I always hope and pray the best outcomes in whatever you decide to do. Happy 10 years of recovery to you! Wish I could do half of what you can do now. Maybe after 10 years I will be walking without a cane, I sure don't know about running! :big_grin:


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