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AZ Leah


It’s been a while since I posted. The day-to-day physical and emotional confusion and people in and out have robbed me of my strength. On Wed. Oct. 26, Jerry had his last session with the oncologist who told him he cannot handle any any more chemo; he is not strong enough and too weak to stand any more. Jerry is now in hospice at home with 24 hour care. The pain med was increased yesterday as the pain has spread all over. He can drink yogurt shakes we blend with strawberries, some ensure and sip on water. I am living an hour at a time. He is strong and I am weak but the Lord is the strongest and I know He will take care of my Jerry. I don’t know how I am going to be able to get through this but with the Lord’s help along with care-givers and friends, my heart says I will be able to. I will be glad when I can talk without crying. We have done almost everything together for 27 years.


My prayers go out to everyone in a similar situation. Sue, I don’t know how you have kept up your blog. I just can’t. I apologize to everyone I haven’t responded to personally; everything is just too much for me. And with stroke came exaggerated stress, overload, and the need for more rest than normal. I pray for myself that day by day I can gain some of my strength so I will be once again more independent and once again able to drive. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you love, understanding and prayers on this journey of Jerry and mine. I will keep in touch.

Hugs, Leah :crying:


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thank you for updating us through your blog. I know you are going through very difficult phase right now, but I am sure your faith in lord & with the strength of family & friends you will get through this hurdle in your life. you & Jerry will be in my thoughts and prayers.




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Leah: my thoughts and prayers are with both of you. Thank you for taking the time to let us know how things were going. Just a quick sentence or two if fine. Please stay well. Debbie

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Hi Leah,


Im new to this site but my prayers are with you and your hubby Jerry. I am so sorry to hear that you are having a bumpy road in life. I know the Lord is definetly there for you and Jerry. I am not going through such a hard road but my son was in utero when he had his stroke and its rough some days to be able to do everything that needs to be done with him and his sister is also special needs but she has shaken baby syndrome. Keep strong in the Lord and he will show you the way.

Prayers from






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