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What Dreams may Come.



Last night, I had my first dream where I was as I currently am. I usually have dreams where I am fully able-bodied and I'd wake up feeling exhilarated and hopeful. I liked them. Last night's dream is murky all these hours later, and I can't for the life of me, remember why I told myself to remember 'caramel', to jog the memory. I do however remember standing under a grey winter sky, by my car on a layer of snow and ice, and feeling uncertain and cautious, trying to decide how to proceed into the building I needed to enter. No big Spielberg production dream there. Just a mundane likely occurrence in a few months. I find it very significant though. I interpret the dream as acceptance of my state, both physically and emotionally. And, although there was no faux sensory high of running on old wooded paths or diving off the bow or boats ; there was a calm upon awakening that does not come with my brain replaying old loves. I somehow hit a point of acceptance through my unconscious rather than my conscious intellectual battering of the issue in my awake hours. Standing uncertain on ice,(a dozen metaphors in that alone for me) has to be one of the best dreams I've ever had.



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This blog made me smile! I am so glad to hear you have reached a new level of acceptance.I don't know what "caramel" means either but I like the way you think! Pass the spoon... :)



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I havent had a stroke but my son had one before he was born and I too would have dreams of him being able bodied and I used to be so scared when he was still in the NICU that I would get a call saying that he was no longer with us.


I have finally come to realize that no matter what he can or cant do he is still very special and Lisa you too are special to your loved ones.

Keep recovering and God Bless



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Leese-Ihate when that happens-Ican't remember what may have been an important part of a dream!If your interpretation feels true to you, then it probably is. Becky

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