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Boy Oh, Boy Oh, Boy



When my darling sister, Mary Beth, gets upset, that is what she says. She is taking in all the information, processing and that one phrase gets her through her thinking process.


And it sure has been a Boy Oh, Boy Oh, Boy couple of days here at Chez Sparks.


Three weeks ago engine light went on in the truck. Computer said it was either the oxygen delivery system to the Catalytic converter or the Catalytic converter. So the mechanic went with the cheapest and easiest fix, the oxygen delivery system. They kept it four days and finding rides to and from work in order to leave a vehicle for Bruce and the caregiver was a pain, but not impossible. He got to his swimming and library. But I had to put off errands.


Three days after we got the truck back, engine light goes back on. Now I have learned my lesson. We got all the weekly stuff done and dropped the truck off on Friday with Jen. They will have it until Tuesday.


Weather report. A Nor'easter-in October mind you. To start Saturday afternoon. So Saturday morning I get Bruce up and off we go. Here in the North East any mention of foul weather initiates a run on the gas stations and the milk-bread run. With his extreme couponing, Bruce had racked up $1.10 a gallon off on gas, so we had filled up the truck on Thursday and Saturday filled up the Honda at 80 cents off a gallon and did the bank, post office and pharmacy run. As we pulled into the driveway at 11am, the snow was just starting. A bit early!


So we did a pot roast in the crock pot, lunch, naps and then the fun began. This was a wet, heavy snow; due to go all night with lots of wind. First branches started to go down about 4pm. These were from the trees we just had pruned, so nothing on the house or the power lines, thank goodness. First big tree in the way back went down about 6pm and its girl friend at 7pm. As the sun went down, I could hear other stuff. My beautiful lilacs on the side yard probably have not survived at all-there were four of them and the pruned Butternut on the corner of the lot has two huge limbs down, but not detached.


Paul called this morning to see if we needed snow removal. Our house faces south, so with the sunshine predicted, I knew if I removed the snow, driveway and ramp would be good by noon time. Keep in mind we are just beginning our peak fall season and most of the trees still have foliage, so the snow accumulated on those branches had to melt. It was 36 degrees out this morning, sunshine; just beautiful, if wet and big piles of snow dropping.


My wonderful neighbor Cliff helped with his plow and I shoveled mostly. Truck is in the shop, so I really only have to clear for the Honda, but if I do the whole driveway, by tomorrow, it will be dry.


Today was also double coupon day. Bruce had had his list ready since the store insert arrived on Thursday. I hate to disappoint him. He is so proud of this. Plus he had free milk. If you could see the time and effort he puts into this, I knew I had to make the effort. So off we go. He had $36.00 in savings. Most of it was stock up and I also knew he just wanted to get out.


Lunch and nap for Bruce. Then I did brush pull. If I bring everything to the curb, our town will pick up. Fifteen branches that I could manage. Paul will come next week to review the Lilacs and the two trees down in the back.


Due to all of your advice, Leo is coming at 7:30am tomorrow, so Bruce will not be left alone on Halloween night. This means prepping for Leo, who hasn't done days in a long time, meal prep and directions to Bruce's work.


I did manage a girlie shower-won't have time in the morning and some nice clean jammies-always a comfort. Dinner was late, but that is OK. I want him to stay up later and he folded all the laundry while I cleaned up the kitchen. Bruce did not get a shower, but hopefully will let Leo take care of that with a shave tomorrow before work.


I am exhausted. The work week is just beginning. I had blow out a circuit breaker-emergency Electrician on Thursday; trying to vaccuum, so had to finish that this morning. I love our Kira, but she is a long hair. Just got off the phone with Leo. All he lost was cable TV. And I just medicated Bruce for the night, half hour early; but we have an early am.


The money issues bother me. The Botox copay, emergency Electrician, the Catalytic converter, replacing the conduit on the house and the tree removal. I know we will get through it. I wanted to check in with Chris-post stroke and how she fared during the snow storm-did she call her kids to help out. Patti's Mom and her recent hip replacement. And Bruce's bladder retraining again has taken a back seat. Why is there never any time? Mary Beth is sick and I did not even speak with her today. But I am most proud tonight as to the way we worked as a team. It was like having the old life back. Yes he is limited as to what he can do, but took care of himself and was so willing to step up, given some direction.

And a new week begins.


Happy Halloween all. Please do enjoy. Debbie


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Isn't it frustrating when our best-laid plans go haywire? and as if it wasn't enough the first time we have to go at it again! There are words to a song that I frequently remind myself of


You can lay down,

or roll on over,

you can get out of the way...

or you can move that mountain over!


Halloween should provide a break from it all and I just know once you've had that break those mountains better be prepared to get out of your way!



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Well my post to this disappeared I guess. Could it be the Halloween spooks? LOL


Anyway, I just said WHOA Debbie! Don't let those things get you down or it will truly put you down. Everything will be taken care of in time. So sorry about the snowfall.


Enjoy your evening.





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Debbie, your hands are full and running over. I don't see how you make it from day to day. You remind me of my mother who just couldn't or wouldn't stop to care for herself. She cared for everybody and everything like you do now. She did it all daily!


She helped all her kids and the neighbors too. Families and neighbors were real close in those days. If the neighbor caught you doing anything wrong she would get you right there on the spot then tell your mom and she got you again. The sad part was when your dad came home tired and hungry he would whip you again. It was three beatings for one crime. You quickly learned to stay out of trouble.


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