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Good Weekend



I am not a housekeeper. It is not from lack of training. No one kept a cleaner house than my Mom. MaryBeth and Dawn certainly got it, and brothers Michael and Kevin, but somehow it was beyond me. Maybe because I was always in charge of the babies and their care, and MaryBeth and John had the house to tend to.


About five years before Bruce's stroke, I discovered Poker. We all did via TV and I was a Math Major in college. I remember saying to Bruce, that is Probability and Statistics, and Bruce saying, no honey that is poker. So for the next six weeks, Bruce dealt six hand to himself, one to me and taught me the game. My best friend then took me to Mississippi to poker school for my birthday present and I took out books from the library and read up. At just about one year, Bruce drove me up to our local Casino, handed me $200.00, helped me check in in the Poker Room-that is scary in itself and said "go to town."


I started out with low Limit Hold'em. You can sit in for $20.00 and play for hours. I learned the old timers just there waiting to take the newbies. But Limit Hold'em is rote. You have 10 starting hands, at most, depending on your position and I soon moved on to No Limit, Tournaments. Won my first tournament second time playing.


At this time, I was decreased in my time at work, due to budget problems, so turned "pro"-that is for the money, not because you are better than anyone else. Most big money tournaments started about 8 pm, and Foxwoods is about one hour from the house, so I would get up and clean.


Bruce and I had been together for about 20 years. This was his house. I hesitated to touch most of anything and then with Brittany's coming into our lives, my Mom, Nursing school and Bruce going into business for himself; just maintained stuff here. With the house renovations two years in a row and a dumpster, Bruce and I cleaned out. Then with me being home, most of the day, got everything done. Closets cleaned out, furniture moved. My best friend, who plays slot tournaments, came to pick me up one day and I am cleaning the fireplace and hearth with a toothbrush, calls Bruce and says book at room at Yale Psych-she has gone over the edge!-lol.


Then enter Stroke. The addition to the house all has steps and Bruce refuses to walk. We are back in the main house. This is four rooms, one level, easy to maintain. The addition is taken care of when company is due.


I was feeling very down on Thursday and Paul came on Saturday and got the limb down threatening the neighbor's fence. It has been very therapeutic for me to be able to work in the yard. I may not keep a really clean house, but I can work in the yard for hours and just love it. Bruce has always called me "Agent Orange" along with Ethyl. At his third trip to the recycling center one weekend, the groundskeeper said to Bruce, tell her to stop!


Connecticut towns are expecting Federal assistance with clean up from the Nor'Easter. With that in mind, I want everyting to the curb for free removal. If this does not happen; Gloria, Cliff and I will split the cost of a chipper. Mornings are kept to Bruce's routine and errands, but I am spending his nap time working in the yard. Weather is perfect: cool, sunny and I find I am so much more relaxed. Yes, sore and achy. But seems my mind is just at ease and stress is so much relieved. I have about an hour left outside, maybe for tomorrow. Nothing like being in the fresh air, doing some physical work. All in all a good weekend and lots of stress relieved. Debbie


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Debbie, I agree, working in the yard is therapy to me too. But mine is tending pots, growing herbs, splitting the bromiliads so I can give some away. That is spring, then summer comes and burns them all to a crisp if I don't go out early morning and water them.


Reading about your poker playing days was interesting. I don't gamble at all, that was my Mum's way of seeking thrills though. Our son tried Texas Hold'em but the personalities of the players convinced him it was not the company he wanted to be in, which was probably good for his budget...lol.


Enjoy your cool sunny weather.



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I'm glad you had a good weekend Debbie. Getting out in the fresh air is good. Hope you get your trees to stop making more work for you though. lol


See you in chat.



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I am with you. A housekeeper I am not. But, yes, I love working out of doors. But, since we have a townhouse. I do not have much to do out of doors. but, I always love to plant something. Plumeria are what I'm working on now.


Tomorrow, Tues, They have moved the oral surgery. Tues. AM it is. Please let the BP be good.


I work Tues night because of the oral surgery in the AM. I shall miss chat.



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