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This was stroke number two, 10-4-11. The worst next to death was that day. My life and our kids lives was changed that day. Six weeks so far. We still have him and that is all that matters. He had a severe intracerebal hemorrage leaving him having to relearn the majority of life. Although we are beginning to see that some things he is remembering. Those things are not expected either. Day by day. His right side is paralyzed but he might regain movement there later. He can't talk but we think that can come with therapy. We have four kids at home still who are not done with dad! Each day will get better. Today is our 16th anniversary. And to me it could not be more wonderful. I have him next to me and that is more precious to me than any stone. I love my husband.


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hey sfmason:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. with family & love like yours, I know your husband will do great in his post stroke journey. Stroke affects the whole family, but having young family at home is great motivator to reclaiming his or her life back. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side in 2004. Even though I spent first 2 years crying over my spilled milk. I am now enjoying my life to fullest & ofcourse it was all thanks to my amazing hubby & lovely son.



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Hello sfmason,


I understand totally how you feel. My husband of 35 years had a very serious stroke on 1/16/11. I almost lost him that day. I prayed and prayed that God would not take him from me, I wasn't ready to give him up. God answered and he is still here. I am just so thankful to be able to talk to him and hold him. Recovery has been slow, but we will get there. Strokes do affect the whole family and it has been a very tough year for me, but you just do what you gotta do. I didn't know I had the strength to do all that was required, but guess God supplied when needed. Oh I cry a lot, almost every day, as it hurts so much to see him not be able to do the things he loves most. But I've decided I need to look forward and appreciate the little things he can do now. I pray all goes well with your husband and your family. If you just need a shoulder to cry on, feel free to reach out to me. I am new to this community, so getting to know the friends here as well. Take care and God Bless you and your family. Here's a big hug for you, hugs always make me feel better. Judy



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Welcome to our blog communty. The joining fee is stroke, a high price to pay but you now have entry into a whole new world of supportive friends.


You say kids so I guess a young family, and your man struck down by stroke. At the moment it is a tough time for you all. It will get better, he'll have PT and OT and some medical help to stabilise his conditions. And he hopefully will start to feel better, more able to take part in his own recovery.


If you can find something he likes to do, work on him getting that back, give him hope and something to look forward to. With all the therapy,helping with the exercises, TLC from family and friends, gradually you will see the changes happening.


You have to hang in there at his side, take care of the kids and take care of yourself too. Especially take care of yourself as you are the pivotal figure now.


Keep blogging and we will support you all we can.



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Hi sfmason. You've come to the right place for support. My husband stroked 5/2009. He's paralyzed on the left and has some deficits, all typical right brain stroke issues. He's 66 going on 4. It has to be so hard for you with four children. Hug him every chance you get! Take care of yourself because there will be good days and bad days.



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Welcome to our wacky world of stroke. If you can join us in the caregiver chats on Tuesday nights at 8 pm EST or Thursday night at 8 PST. The groups are fun and lots of great information is shared by people that are walking your walk. Hope to see you soon Sally

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