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Thankful for another good day



Well we've had another pretty good day. We went to church this morning. Oliver was pretty quiet (not like him). He ate pretty good today and then slept for a couple of hours. The grandkids came by for a visit, that always lifts his spirits. I am off work next week, so get to take him to therapy. He walked several times today with the walker. He seemed down today, only comment he made was he just wished this stroke would go away. I do too. While I realize it it around to stay but praying that he will start doing better soon. Not to say that he hasn't improved, God knows he has come a long way. He just wants to be able to walk. Is that so much to ask for? We talked a little about Christmas, I normally start decorating my house the week of Thanksgiving, as I am off work that week, so it gives me the time to do it then. I made the comment that I didn't know if I would put up a tree this year. He ask why? I told him I didn't feel very merry this year. He said I sure wasn't boosting his moral. I try to stay upbeat, but some days I just I need a shoulder to cry on. I'm sure the holidays will be tough this year, but will try to make the best of them and celebrate life. I could be spending them alone.


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Judy, this,for christians, is the season of miracles. Celebrate the one who is still with you.


you said he loves when the grand kids come. Imagine what it will do for him when he sees their delight in the decorations. Imagine your delight in seeing his. Put that tree up, Hon.


Take pictures, do what you usually do as best you can. You can do it!

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Do what you have done for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season for as long as you can do it. Do you remember the expression "fake it till you make it"? That is what all we caregivers do. We burn so bright sometimes in our "make it a happy Christmas" zeal that we burn brighter than the candles.


We all want our old lives back some of the time, the rest of the time we do what we can with what we've got.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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