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Thanksgiving, Christmas and year end



It seems as if this year has sped by, and that is what happens as you age I guess. For Thanksgiving the kids are helping more now and bringing food. I fixed the turkey, dressing and cranberries and they brought the rest and helped clean up. This all helps because you still have to get the table stuff ready and food from the store, etc. Larry wanted mincemeat pie and so I bought a mini one from a bakery. As with a lot of food, he ate a few bites and now it sits uneaten. Oh well, at least I was able to get the mini one. lol We played a game and Larry said he would play along this year. The game is called "Things", which his son bought, and so we had to play it again. You have to think of an answer to the reader's question or topic and write it down. Then you go around the table and each person has to quess who gave each answer. It is hard enough for a non stroke person to think of something but Larry did real well. Of course, I guessed most of his answers. He stayed up as long as he could - 1 hour past his normal time. I have learned to keep my mouth zipped as I don't agree with the way the grandkids are brought up these days. Strangely enough, the oldest one had the worst manners this year. I say "Julie, just zip it up", as I don't want to break any ties with Larry and his kids. Larry's son had made a comment about not getting invited over as he had not been here since this summer. He use to call and say they were coming (usually when they had nothing else going) I said "your sister comes without an invitation". I don't know what I said or did to put a feather in his cap? I zipped it up after that!


My daughter came in from Michigan Wednesday night and helped me put up the tree Friday. My son came and put up the outdoor lights. We were about finished when the power went out. I thought we had done something, and so went to check the circuit breaker but found all was well. It was a neighborhood outage and power came back in 30 minutes. Whew! It was a nice day to put out lights and rake the yard with temperatures in the mid 60's.


Last night we had cooler temps and rain. I took Larry in to church holding the umbrella and him at the same time. Someone next to us was walking with two walking canes and we both held the doors for each other. We stopped at McDonalds after for take out. It is not my favorite but Larry likes the double cheeseburgers, and we are tired of turkey. LOL


Larry is still getting use to his CPAP but wearing it for part of the night. I stay up until he has had enough. My daughter encouraged him to wear it. I hope he will give it some time to adjust to. This is another thing I have to push with him. I will be going out to lunch with friends this week and will enjoy this a lot.


Hope you all had a good holiday.




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Julie: you and Larry were so looking forward to Thanksgiving and I am so glad everything was great and all visited. Yes, we do have to be family peacekeepers and you did great.


What I find amazing is the people who do not call or respond to my Emails are the ones who criticize the most at not seeing us. I am so faithful at keeping our friends aware of what is happening here and our schedules. The close ones call and say "hey, how about a visit tonight?" The rest just complain. Like you, I keep it zipped. Either come or not, but I will not validate your lack of communication or presence. Visits, calls and cards are too important to Bruce for me to alienate anyone.


So glad Larry is giving the CPap an honest trial. It is difficult for both of you, but you will both see improvement, so keep up the good work! Debbie

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Yes Julie, my Thanksgiving day was a blast cause I watched two football games ate cornish game birds with all the trimmings and my fair share of cakes and ice cream. I didn't get involved in Black Friday there was nothing I needed that bad to go in a crowd and get hurt.


I'm glad Larry is trying the mask at night, I just couldn't handle it, so I wish him success with it. Glad you got the festive lights up now you just got the tree left to do!


My wife suppose to take my SUV and pick up a live tree today after work. I guess she's tired of the one she's had for many years. Her son, daughter and grand daughter will help decorating it. :Clap-Hands:


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I am reading the blogs via a friend's computer as mine is down and enjoying all this talk of the festive season and family celebrations. As we don't have Thnksgiving and have Christmas in summer it is very different here.


I am doing the "zip the lip" as I have my son and family moved in now. I don't want to cause any strife and our ways are not their ways.


Trees and lights and good meals together...stick with the positives.



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