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Prepping for the Holidays



Busy week, as I imagine the next few before Christmas will be.


Due to a cable upgrade, we have no TV service in our bedroom for the past week or so. It is interesting and I am watching. As much as I love Bruce having a true nap without channel surfing, staying up later at night and going to bed with reading material, I can not let it go. And the new Cable box arrived tonight. Will attempt the hook up tomorrow-lol.


Bruce seems to be having trouble with some follow through. I keep daily lists, and have been leaving them on Bruce's table at night, so he has them in the morning. It is one thing to tell him verbally what is going on and in all fairness, he is doing so much better with memory, but if it doesn't directly affect him, seems to just gloss over it.


Electricians came today to replace conduit on house: no electricity. I planned a shopping-errand day. Bruce certainly loves his "jaunts" but could not understand why it was so important for him not to have accidents. No washing machine! But in leaving the list and the inserts, he was so excited about getting out and doing some Christmas shopping and having a Latte.


We talked a long time today about Christmas and what he wanted. He is sure he wants a fresh tree-it will just be four feet high, but I am so excited that he is even thinking about this. We went to our town Tree Lighting last night. This would not have even been considered if he had that TV in the BR! It was early and we so enjoyed it.


Work is busy. I am responsible for the set up of a new unit. One more day, hopefully. Also Bruce understands that he must spend more time in his AFO, as he is restarting PT-OT this month. Actually stood to help me get it on and took a couple of steps to assure it being on. I do love and appreciate Bruce's understanding that I usually only ask if I think it will help him.


Bad news tonight. Mary Beth's brother-in-law suffered a stroke this morning. He is 56 and it is brainstem. Personally I am past "why is this happening to me". My best friend, my brother's best friend and now my brother-in-law's brother. Poor Mary Beth, she just can't get beyond this. First us, then Barry and now Bobby. We are half way to Dave's family and I made up all guest rooms, as I just don't know. Dave always considered Bruce one of his best friends and has had such a tough time with this. Yes, he allows Mary Beth and the girls all the time they need to spend here, but he has only seen Bruce once since the stroke. That was at his own house on Thanksgiving 2009. Dave has a strange relationship with his own two brothers, Mother and Father. Dad was in the Navy. Family travelled all over the globe, but when Dad divorced Mom, everything changed. I advised Mary to pack Dave and get him on the road. They all have keys and Dave knows he is welcome here anytime. Mary will be crazy in that she will have to stay home and tend to work, the girls and animals. She also knows Dave will need her as to her education in stroke. Please all of you, keep them in your prayers.


Bruce is upset, I am exhausted and yet, still think of my sister and her family. Debbie


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Aww I do feel so for you and your family with yet another stroke. I understand-both grandmothers,two aunts, an uncle as well as both of my husbands have had strokes. It is extra hard this time of the year too. Hang in there.


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Debbie, it is hard when all those you love seem to be caught up in some personal trgedy. It is important to remember you survived and they will too. You can be information giver, supporter and cheerleader in their journey just as you have been in ours.


T'is the season to be busy...but jolly too. So smile as you work, sing as you do the house and give Bruce a hug every time you swing by him.



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