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Trying to get in the Christmas mood



I have most of my gifts bought as they are gift certificates, except for a couple of adults and clothes and toys for the grandkids. What do I get Larry? He wants for nothing and yet I want him to enjoy opening a gift. I wish he were more excited about Christmas. Maybe he is but just can't show it. He cannot express emotions (crying, laughing) but will say whether something makes him happy or not. It is an oddity I have to accept. I wish I could here him laugh at something silly again.


I decided to bake only a couple of batches of cookies this year. I remember when I baked over 12 dozen and gave them away. I made some roll and bake cookies and thought Larry could not help. Debbie said Larry can roll cookies. I might give it a try with my next batch. At least he can press balls on the sheet and then sprinkle them with colored sugar.


I think I have gotten into the rut of doing too much. I assume Larry cannot do things or I think I can do them faster. Today he said "you need to get more napkins on the table". I said "why don't you try and put some on". He did it. These are just little things but they do add up to what he can help with and I do for him.


We went to church last night and getting back in the car it was so cold. We then went to pick up a meal at St. Louis Bread Co. (Panera's). I let Larry stay in the car as I phoned ahead to pick up our order. That worked great.


I decided to rake leaves today as the weather was nice. This will be the last opportunity.

My one Christmas tree died on the string of lights outside but I will not tackle that this year. At least I have the lights around the door and little trees on both sides, except for the one. (sigh) We are given a big balsam wreath each year and that is on the door.


My stepdaughter called and offered to come over tomorrow so that I could go out shopping. I had my helper coming also but I have learned never to refuse help. I told her to come and that I would be gone for just an hour and a half. This gives me more time to go to two different areas plus return my library book. I'm also volunteering again this week and this gives me more time to do that. I so enjoy being with the other women.


All in all, I am looking forward to Christmas and seeing all the kids. I hope the weather holds out for all of us.


I want to take this time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.




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Julie-I used to do the same exact thing, everything. When Bruce refused any further therapy, that is when I took a look around and started including him in routine here. Bruce, too, will say we need napkins. But I do not think he is capable of any much deeper thinking or problem solving. If I say, would you mind getting the napkins, he is more than happy to help. Also in Bruce's case I was so frantic those first years, think his reaction is much like me putting lights on the tree or hooking up the TV-Cable: put on your helmuts, batten down the hatches and just stay out of the way-lol.


You are busy. And sounds like you have everything in place for a wonderful holiday for your family and friends. Please do take some quiet time just for a cup of tea, some of your cookies and quiet time with the tree. This is the time of year when no matter how small, our homes are a true sense of warmth and reflection. Good week, Debbie

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Julie, have a wonderful holiday and just try to be in the moment and enjoy the enjoyable times. And Debbie is right, our homes are a place of warmth and in a way I am looking forward to the child part of Christmas and I know everyone is looking forward to coming over...I just have to figure out how to integrate my mom into th picture. It sounds as if you already have everything figured out!

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