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It's the Most <fill in the blank> Time of the Year!



And, once again, I feel lke I'm in a crucible. Presure, presure, presure. There doesn't seem to be enough time in a day or days in the last couple of months to get on top of the whole holiday thing. Throw in teh fact that my first stroke anniversary is December 26, and, well, I'm a little nervous about that.



Sam keeps trying to make me sleep later and take naps. He wants me to try to relax more. I just don't seem capable of doing it. It eats at me until I get up and get going again.


I did take a step back, after the initial stroke, and let go of a lot of the things that were on my plate. I'm not runnig Sunday school this yhear, and don't even think I'll throw my name in the hat for next year. I'm just teaching 1 Sunday a month. I didn't even participate in the Christmas program this year. I just didn't have the energy. I'm not working any more. Stoped that in June. So, wouldn't one think that my stress would be lower without those 2 "big item tickets" off my plate this year? Then, how come I feel just as up against a wall as I did last year?

When will it be less stressful? When will I be able to handle things better?When will I stop feeling like I'm being squeesed to see how long it will take me to pop? I wish I knew.


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Lydi, it is hard to start anew. You have given up what seemed to you the big stressors but maybe it is deeper than that and starts with getting up of a morning and how you go through the day. Look at what you do, how you react, how you feel, any headaches, muscles aches and pains, frustration starting up, then you stop , think what is happening try to eliminate the feelings of stress.


Because most times we haven't got time to think we have all learned to ignore how our bodies are reacting and stroke, heart attack and other major illness results. So we have to listen to our bodies and adopt measures that will allow us to sleep like a baby and wake refreshed.


Maybe take up something like yoga or tai chi to relax you. If music helps find a relaxation tape you can sit and listen to. You will learn the stress signs. I tend to tighten my grip when I am stressed so I relax my grip, sit down, meditate (or pray) a while and start again. Some people grind their teeth or pull certain muscles tight. It is all about relaxing muscles and learning to slow thoughts until they simply stop.


It is worth a try anyway.



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I think mediation mantra "God I give you all my worries, please take care of them" every day for 5 mins in the morning might do the trick. let go & let God takes care of things.



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Lydia: along the same lines, Bruce mentioned this weekend that he felt he was sleeping too much. Is consciously trying to stay up until 7pm and up and out of bed at 5am; and yet he still feels this is too much. Mind you, at night he doesn't really fall asleep until I am home from work-around 8:30pm and I wake him at 10pm for pills and it is usually a good half hour before he falls back asleep. But I tried to explain that recovering from stroke, he is now on a different schedule and requires more sleep and rest. He naps about 1 hour almost every day.


You have just come off a huge trip and entering a very stressful time of year. Please take Sue's suggestions seriously and give all of this some thought. Best, Debbie

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