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Christmas with Cayden



I know this is supposed to be a happy time for everyone and everyone should love everyone else but this year Cayden is making it a living nightmare!!!!! I love my boy and this time of year but putting them together is not a very good idea right now. We are thinking of celebrating two different holidays in my house until Cayden gets older.



He has NO patients and wants everything NOW!!!! He wants Pop the Pig which is a game and every day when we pick him up from school he asks if we have it and when we tell him we cant find it he throws a fit for half an hour!!!!! We did find it and he will get it for christmas but trying to keep him occupied on other things is a real chore right now. He is even acting up in school and getting into a lot of trouble. Thank the Lord that he is out of school after tomorrow for 2 weeks. Of course that means we have him for the two weeks but with his sister to help us out we should be able to get throw the week until christmas.



To top it off he is potty training and that is another routine change. There is so much change in his life that he cant keep up and he is a ROYAL PAIN!!!! Some days I feel like pulling my hair out and lately havent wanted to get on here because I have been so upset with everything.



I am hoping if need be he will be ok celebrating Chanakah. With me and the kids being Jewish my husband said it was ok but not sure what to do. He says tough love and I say he is the toughest to love.....LOL I know what he means and it really is hard because I so want to give in to him to get him to shut up but so far we are doing good at not letting him get away with his tantrums.








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Dyan - I know what you mean about giving it to get him to shut up! The doc prescribed Megace for hubby to help stimulate his appetite when he quit eating. Hubby was complaining after 2-3 days of the 5 silly little millileters (your average kitchen tablespoon!) that the stuff tasted horrible and he was so pathetic looking while saying this that I gave in and didn't make him take it! Shame on me, because after a home health visit from a nurse, she explained this was probably the only way to get him eating again, and hubby agreed in front of her to take it without complaining. Now, I can't seem to fill him up!!!


Just goes to show that us caregivers have to stick to our guns and not be "guilted" into making life easier for our loved ones. What hurts us now, can only make us stronger - right?



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Thats for sure but Im not sure who is going to be stronger me or Cayden.....LOL. The longer this goes on the more I get irritated.....He's even asking complete strangers for "pop the pig'!!!!!



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at our house we never keep toys away from kids till chirstmas, as soon as he gets his games or toys he can start enjoying it right away. he knows its his xmas gifts & he got it early so that he can enjoy it longer, there is no gurantee of the tomorrow so why not enjoy things you like today itself, thats what our philosophy is & it has worked fine at our household.



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Dyan: I somewhat see where Asha is coming from. Stroke changes our view on life so dramatically.


But coming from one with an addicted baby at birth, think you have just entered the terrible twos with someone who is daily with 4 year olds. This I would think is going to happen. The four year olds deal with the holidays as four year olds, but Cayden is responding like a two year old. This was the problem child psychologists noticed in jumping children out of their age groups, due to over achievement or intelligence. You can challenge the brain, but emotionally are still dealing with a child. His classmates are discussing what they asked for from Santa. Cayden thinks they already got it. Needs to understand the asking, being nice not naughty. Leaving a treat for Santa, who only comes December 24. Show him the calendar. Do an Advent wreath where he takes off one ring until Santa comes. Or they have new Calendars where you remove some piece every day until Christmas Eve.


Personally I agree with your husband. This is how they learn. Everything is not right now. Try the old routines: read the Christmas--Chanakah books with him. Explain the meaning of the holidays to him. Wrap dollar store gifts that he must give away to help the poor children. Tantrums are time outs. I watched a man on TV bring his child to time out 106 times until the child and the Dad were so exhausted the child curled up and just accepted his three minutes. And the Nanny advised that this may happen several more times.


Make cookies or cupcakes. He has to help and then wrap as gifts. With stroke, I would pick a special book for each holiday and just concentrate on that every day.


You'll get this. And please let us know. Debbie

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I totally gree with Debbie that Cayden needs to learn how to "wait"....but I can tell you as a parent that I would figure out some way to give Cayden Pop the Pig early. Such a funny name for a game and so appropiate for what you are going through LoL But I think your sanity comes first, I wouldn't be able to take it anymore and my stress level is already over the top, I would be the one ready to pop like a pig and ruining every day up until Christmas my being grouchy and cranky because of his behavior--and this would make his behavior even worse. So I would make up something special like an elf dropping off an early present because "he" heard how much it meant to Cayden...and maybe the Elf could suggest the giving of dollar store presents for the kids who have so little. I also love Santa Mouse and maybe he could come early? Or if you can survive isn't the first day of Hanuka on the 20? Can you make it 4 more days LoL...

And by the way, I totally get Cayden and know what it is like to REALLY want somthing, it won't be any more special on THE day than it would be surprising him early....everyone will be happier and you can all play the game daily....WHAT fun you will have. And someone also pointed out that emotionally he is younger than his given age, RELAX and enjoy the holiday! Just my two cents worth and I think my kiddos are pretty great! I had A present I couldn't wait to give early so I wrapped it up last week and put it under my son's pillow from the tooth fairy, don't ask b/c it is a long story but funny so I will have to blog about it one day...but he loved it and was able to enjoy it without all the craziness of Christmas.

Happy Hoidays,


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Thank you everyone for the advice and I wish I could give him Pop the Pig but I wrapped it with other gifts together but we have some small gifts that we are going to let him unwrap on monday because it is his fathers birthday so we always give him a gift on everyone elses birthday so he doesnt feel left out. His sister this year let him open all her gifts and I took pics of them together her looking at the gifts right after he opened them.



Hopefully that will hold him over until Christmas



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Thank you everyone for the advice and I wish I could give him Pop the Pig but I wrapped it with other gifts together but we have some small gifts that we are going to let him unwrap on monday because it is his fathers birthday so we always give him a gift on everyone elses birthday so he doesnt feel left out. His sister this year let him open all her gifts and I took pics of them together her looking at the gifts right after he opened them.



Hopefully that will hold him over until Christmas



Sounds like a plan...good luck and remember to stay in the moment and focus on the good...even when you really have to search for it!

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