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My early Christmas present



Well, today was the day!


Three weeks ago Bruce received his Botox injections. Last November, another Insurance change and this one would not pay anything towards Botox. Bruce had decided he had had enough therapy for a while, so there was no sense in investing $2400.00 to sit in a WC. September 1 this year, he qualified for Medicare and that certainly changed a lot of things, including the enormous COBRA payment we were making. I jumped right on it. Set up appointment with Physiatrist and got the Botox Rx moving. We ended up with a co-pay, but that was less than one month's COBRA.


Now I sit down with Bruce and we chat. Botox will also qualify him for therapy and Bruce readily agreed.


We were fortunate to have the same two therapists Bruce worked with for over a year for the evaluations. Everyone was so glad to see him. Since Bruce has gained so much cognitively, I let him go it alone. Sat with coffee and then met with the therapist afterward.


His right arm-hand. Still no movement. Rob, the OT advised that Bruce had lost nothing in ROM, extension and flexion. In fact, Bruce said it was less painful than a year ago. Rob has a new game plan for this round of therapy. Rob advises that since Bruce received so much therapy, Medicare will probably not allow much, but we will take what they allow and regroup when he gets decerted.


Annette, his PT, did all her measurements. She came out to the lobby and said she was having trouble communicating with Bruce. My thought was that he was tired after an hour and a half with Rob. Bruce would not transfer to the mat with Annette because she was helping him-lol! I explained to Annette that he was transferring independently but with a spot of course. Annette takes Bruce over to the parallel bars, stands him and turns to move the WC. Bruce takes off without her. I am still laughing. Bruce refused to walk with the quad cane, but did agree to the Hemi. He walked a good 25 feet, no assistance. Right foot is pointing inward. This is from sitting in a WC, without leg-foot support. He never learned that. Always hooked his right foot with his left, and used the left foot to propel. And he held the Hemi almost right in front of him. Annette's goals are for the EStim bike and to get him in and out of the BR, walking and then holding onto the grip bar and voiding himself. This scares me in that he will have to let go of the grip bar to get his pants down, but Bruce's balance is very good.


Part of me is a bit annoyed. That he could do this and yet sat in a WC for a year, except for his work with Leo and the occasional standing in the kitchen. Another part of me has seen great cognitive improvement over the past few months. He is thinking deeper, problem-solving and considering outcomes. This is all new and yes some days are not so good. But I feel that the process has started.


He was concerned about the amount of time he was sleeping-my farmer!-and is actively staying up later at night and taking fewer, but more therapeutic naps. When he does nap, he turns off the TV himself. Somehow the "channel-surfing only stimulates you" has sunk in. I explained to him that now the "I don't know" excuse no longer holds water. If he can consider and problem-solve about the sleep, then he can do it with other things as well. Just takes some time and focus.


I am so proud of him! He seems excited. He will go twice weekly for sessions with both PT and OT, at least for the next three weeks and both therapists want him to continue in the pool. Jen leaves us mid-January, but Cathy has agreed to at least try to learn to drive a five-speed. It will be Winter, so really am only concerned with being able to get him to therapy. I can also take him in the pool, but to do it on a therapy day, this early will be asking a lot. He will have to build up some strength and endurance. At least Cathy can work with him here at home and I can't wait to share all of this with Leo!


So after three hours of therapy, first in a year, no nap; someone is sound asleep. I had Cathy give him a tylenol at bedtime and I will give him a pain pill shortly. He will be a hurting puppy in the morning and Jen has all intentions of taking him to the pool! She said she really wants to push Bruce walking in rather than using the lift. I just advised one step at a time. Jen has been key in keeping Bruce toned, so lets see where this goes based on what Bruce is willing to do.


Merry Christmas! and please do keep us in your prayers.


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Bruce would not transfer to the mat with Annette because she was helping him-lol!


LOL I like Bruce more all the time! I hope more progress comes soon. It certainly makes all the struggles seem worth it

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you have kept Bruce busy & involved in his life that is commendable. No wonder he is doing so much better in his recovery. you both will be in my thoughts & prayers for happy holidays.



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I so hope good things for Bruce and for you as well. Bruce may feel pain but it means he is getting those muscles moving! The more our Bruce and Larry move the better for us!


You and Bruce are in my prayers for a happy holiday season and a happy new year.



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I am amazed. Bruce can do alot!!! Yea!! He was pulling the wool over our eyes. I am so glad. He will surprise those therapist and really work.


It it hard to work up the stamina. but, the therapy will be good after a break.


I am looking forward to getting William into therapy again.


I will call them on Monday or rather Tues.


Keep us informed on the work that Bruce does in therapy.



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