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Answering questions from the last blog



Nice responses from the last entry. Thanks all. I am always afraid when telling about something new that people will think I am trying to push something on them or make money off the deal. No so at all, just letting people know what has and has not worked for me. Anyway, Lesley is going to make some venison/wild rice sausage. Most of the meat is already in the freezer, just the grinding and sausage to go. She is pumped up, to say the least.


I just finished plowing our 1,000' driveway. We got about 8" of snow last night. We have an ATV with tracks and a plow on it for winter use, so it is a lot of fun, actually. I got to test out the socks and gloves I wrote about previously, and still love them. Just do a google search for "battery heated gloves" then for socks and slippers. Amazon.com has the slippers, Sharper Image.com has the socks and gloves. There are other stores that will show up as well. Don't be cheap, spend the big bucks to get the good ones. The socks and gloves will run about $200 a set including batteries and charger, Slippers $100 to $130. Only buy those with the lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, get the 7 volt ones for the socks and gloves.


The supplement I have been taking with the Life Extension.com folks is Mitochondrial Basics with bio PQQ. Item #01569. I can only repeat that it works for me. Your results may differ. They have another product they just came out with that is supposed to help regrow brain synapses and neurons, something all of us that have had strokes are interested in. I plan to start taking it next month. They have their annual sale going on now, so I plan to buy a years worth of the stuff. It is called "Neuro-mag" and is a magnesium supplement along with some other stuff. I figure I am 66 and a stroke survivor, my brain needs all the help it can get! Again, I am NOT trying to sell anybody anything, but I would like to hear the results good or bad if anyone else tries these products.


Well, since I have done the day's work (plowing the driveway) it is time to attend to my empty coffee cup and watch a bit of football.

1 Comment

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George, thanks for the new information, yes at aged 66 brain cell protection is important. I always like to read your blogs, wish some of this had been available for Ray earlier in the time frame.


Tell Lesley venison and wild rice sausages sound sublime...one night I'll drop by for dinner.



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